Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh

Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh Introduction: Himachal Pradesh describe by the ancients as “DevBhoomi”  (Abode of the Gods), is situated in the heart of the Himalayas in the northern part of India. It has a geographical area of 55.67 lakh hectrares by professional surveys. Most of which is under forests, pastures and grazing lands. Less than … Read more Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Major Cities and Tourist Places

Himachal Pradesh Major Cities and Tourist Places   Himachal Pradesh is always known for its natural beauty. Here are some of the major cities as well as tourist places:   Manali Location:  Situated at a height of 6260 feet above sea level, Manali is one of the most popular, beautiful and awe-inspiring hill stations in … Read more Himachal Pradesh Major Cities and Tourist Places

Natural & Power Resource of Himachal Pradesh

Natural & Power Resource of Himachal Pradesh Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials used in human-made objects are natural resources. Some examples of … Read more Natural & Power Resource of Himachal Pradesh

Transport in Himachal Pradesh

Transport in Himachal Pradesh Transport in Himachal Pradesh can be divided into below 3 parts Roadways Railways Airways We will discuss modes of transport and its current status in Himachal Subscribe on YouTube Pradesh here. Roadways Transport in Himachal Pradesh Number of national highways passing through Himachal Pradesh is eight. Total length of these highways is … Read more Transport in Himachal Pradesh

Scheduled Tribe of Himachal Pradesh

Scheduled Tribe of Himachal Pradesh Based on 2011 Census total popultaion of India is 08 Crore out of which ST population is 10.45 Crore (8.6%). The tribal communities in India are enormously diverse and heterogeneous. There are wide ranging diversities among them in respect of languages spoken, size of population and mode of livelihood. The … Read more Scheduled Tribe of Himachal Pradesh

Census of Himachal Pradesh

 Census of Himachal Pradesh General information As per details from Census 2011, Himachal Pradesh has population of 68.65 Lakhs, an increase from figure of 60.78 Lakh in 2001 census. Total population of Himachal Pradesh as per 2011 census is 6,864,602 of which male and female are 3,481,873 and 3,382,729 respectively. In 2001, total population was … Read more Census of Himachal Pradesh

Animal Husbandry of Himachal Pradesh

Animal Husbandry of Himachal Pradesh Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fiber, milk, eggs or other products. It includes day-to-day care,selective breeding, and the raising of livestock. Animal Husbandry has a long history, starting with the Neolithic revolution when animals were first domesticated, from around 13,000 BC onwards. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK POLICY, 2013 Livestock … Read more Animal Husbandry of Himachal Pradesh

Fishing of Himachal Pradesh

Fishing of Himachal Pradesh According to the FAO, a fishery is typically defined in terms of the “people involved, species or type of fish, area of water or seabed, method of fishing, class of boats, purpose of the activities or a combination of the these features”. Fisheries management, on the other hand, is the activity of protecting fishery resources so  … Read more Fishing of Himachal Pradesh

Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh

 Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. It helps grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Types of irrigation Surface irrigation- Itis the oldest form of irrigation and has been in … Read more Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh

Horticulture of Himachal Pradesh

Horticulture of Himachal Pradesh Horticulture is the science and art of growing – fruits, vegetables, flowers, and any other cultivar. It also includes plant conservation, landscape restoration, soil management, landscape and garden design, construction, maintenance, and arboriculture. India is likely to record highest ever production of horticulture produce, including fruits and vegetables, in 2016-17. The … Read more Horticulture of Himachal Pradesh

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