Impact of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization.

Impacts of Privatization Privatization in generic terms refers to the process of transfer of ownership, can be of both permanent or long term lease in nature, of a once upon a time state-owned or public owned property to individuals or groups that intend to utilize it for private benefits and run the entity with the aim Join … Read more Impact of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization.

Issues and Challenges. Programmes and policies for the welfare of differently-abled persons, women and children and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Himachal Pradesh

Issues and Challenges. Programmes and policies for the welfare of differently-abled persons, women and children and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Himachal Pradesh Schemes Relating to Children Integrated Child Development Services Scheme Under this scheme department is providing nutrition to the pregnant, Lactating mothers, adolescent girls and children of 6 month to … Read more Issues and Challenges. Programmes and policies for the welfare of differently-abled persons, women and children and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the Himachal Pradesh

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India.

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India Women, minorities, backword classes, differentially abled people and children are the vulnerable section of the society. Women due to tradition and patriarchy (male sex considered to be superior to female in society) Disabled due to their physical and mental inability to perform activities like other … Read more Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India.

Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),

Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) NGOs are voluntary organization’s. These are popularly known as NGOs because they are free from governmental control in their functioning. They are democratic and open to all those wishing to become member of the organization voluntarily and serve the society. NGO have a long history in India. In the past, … Read more Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),

Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India Human development—a comprehensive approach Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. … Read more Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

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