01.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Himachal finance department invites suggestions for state budget 2018-19   The Finance department of Himachal Pradesh on Friday said it has invited suggestions from farmer, horticultural, dairy, industrial, commercial, tourism, labour organisations and the general public for State budget 2018-19 to make it people-friendly.   The spokesman said that the suggestions could … Read more 01.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

27.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Himachal Chief Minister Launches ‘Shakti’ App For Women’s Safety   The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jai Ram Thakur launched the ‘Shakti’ appfor women’s safety in the state. The app, which comes with a panic button, was developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Himachal Pradesh government. It would be available in … Read more 27.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh:- Bio-Diversity:- Bio-diversity refers to the variety of life forms, such as the plants, animals and micro organisms, the genes they contain and the eco-system they form. Usually bio-diversity is classified into three groups: … Read more State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

Tribal welfare administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Himachal Pradesh

Tribal welfare administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Himachal Pradesh The tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh though sparsely populated continue to receive special attention of the State Government primarily on account of their strategic location and comparative backwardness. The Tribal Sub Plan was started in 1974-75 in the State and entire tribal … Read more Tribal welfare administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Himachal Pradesh

Cyber crime and drug menace – mechanism to detect and control it in Himachal Pradesh.

Cyber crime and drug menace – mechanism to detect and control it in Himachal Pradesh Cyber crime Due to lack of information security various cyber crimes arises, ―Cyber security means set of activities, technical and non-technical aspects of protecting information, devices, computer resources, network resources and other critical information stored there in from unauthorized access, … Read more Cyber crime and drug menace – mechanism to detect and control it in Himachal Pradesh.

India’s relation with United States of America, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives and Middle East Countries

India’s relation with United States of America, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives and Middle East Countries. India’s relation with United States of America Political Relations: The frequency of high-level visits and exchanges between India and the U.S. has gone up significantly of late. Prime Minister Modi visited the U.S. on 26-30 … Read more India’s relation with United States of America, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Maldives and Middle East Countries

Inflation : Concept control of inflation : monetary, fiscal and direct measures.

Inflation & Control Mechanism Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services.It is the percentage change in the value of the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on a year-on … Read more Inflation : Concept control of inflation : monetary, fiscal and direct measures.

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Guarantee Act 2011

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Guarantee Act 2011 Right to Public Services legislation in Himachal pradesh comprises statutory law which guarantee time bound delivery of services for various public services rendered by the Government to citizen and provides mechanism for punishing the errant public servant who is deficient in providing the service stipulated under the … Read more The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Guarantee Act 2011

Bodies constituted, Policies, Programmes and Schemes for welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,

Bodies constituted, Policies, Programmes and Schemes for welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is the nodal Ministry to oversee the interests of the Scheduled Castes. Though the primary responsibility for promotion of interests of the Scheduled Castes rests with all the Central … Read more Bodies constituted, Policies, Programmes and Schemes for welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,

Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Civil Society in India

Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Civil Society in India The Self Help Groups (SHG) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago in order to alleviate poverty, and improve women’s ability to achieve rights and well-being. At the beginning, SHG was an initiative undertook by NGOs, but later on, due to its success in improving … Read more Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Civil Society in India

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