State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh:- Bio-Diversity:- Bio-diversity refers to the variety of life forms, such as the plants, animals and micro organisms, the genes they contain and the eco-system they form. Usually bio-diversity is classified into three groups: … Read more State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh The area covered by Himachal Pradesh lies in most complicated geological regions of Outer or sub-Himalayan zone, Lower Himalayan zone, Higher Himalayan zone, Tethys Himalayan zone. The highest relative relief (more than 5,100 m) is found in the eastern part of the state, covering the western part of Kinnaur, … Read more Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

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