Census of Himachal Pradesh

 Census of Himachal Pradesh

  1. General information

As per details from Census 2011, Himachal Pradesh has population of 68.65 Lakhs, an increase from figure of 60.78 Lakh in 2001 census. Total population of Himachal Pradesh as per 2011 census is 6,864,602 of which male and female are 3,481,873 and 3,382,729 respectively. In 2001, total population was 6,077,900 in which males were 3,087,940 while females were 2,989,960.

Sex Ratio in Himachal Pradesh is 972 i.e. for each 1000 male, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011. In 2001, the sex ratio of female was 968 per 1000 males in Himachal Pradesh

The total population growth in this decade was 12.94 percent while in previous decade it was 17.53 percent. The population of Himachal Pradesh forms 0.57 percent of India in 2011. In 2001, the figure was 0.59 percent.

Literacy rate in Himachal Pradesh has seen upward trend and is 82.80 percent as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 89.53 percent while female literacy is at 75.93 percent. In 2001, literacy rate in Himachal Pradesh stood at 76.48 percent of which male and female were 85.35 percent and 67.42 percent literate respectively.

.Census of Himachal Pradesh


Himachal Pradesh Table Data

Approximate Population68.65 Lakhs60.78 Lakh
Population Growth12.94%17.53%
Percantage of total Population0.57%0.59%
Sex Ratio972968
Child Sex Ratio909896
Literacy82.80 %76.48 %
Male Literacy89.53 %85.35 %
Female Literacy75.93 %67.42 %
Total Literate5,039,7364,041,621


  1. Rural-Urban Divide

Out of total population of Himachal Pradesh, 10.03% people live in urban regions. The urban population in the last 10 years has increased by 10.03 percent. Sex Ratio in urban regions of Himachal Pradesh was 853 females per 1000 males. For child (0-6) sex ratio the figure for urban region stood at 881 girls per 1000 boys. Total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Himachal Pradesh were 65,076. Of total population in urban region, 9.45 % were children (0-6).

Average Literacy rate in Himachal Pradesh for Urban regions was 91.10 percent in which males were 93.42% literate while female literacy stood at 74.25%.

Of the total population of Himachal Pradesh state, around 89.97 percent live in the villages of rural areas. In rural regions of Himachal Pradesh state, female sex ratio per 1000 males was 986 while same for the child (0-6 age) was 912 girls per 1000 boys.

  1. Religious Data

Hinduism is majority religion in state of Himachal Pradesh with 95.17 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in state of Himachal Pradesh with approximately 2.18 % following it. In Himachal Pradesh state, Christinity is followed by 0.18 %, Jainism by 0.03 %, Sikhism by 1.16 % and Buddhism by 1.16 %. Around 0.01 % stated ‘Other Religion’, approximately 0.12 % stated ‘No Particular Religion’.


Hindu95.17 %
Muslim2.18 %
Sikh1.16 %
Buddhist1.15 %
Christian0.18 %


  1. District wise analysis

Top 5 in population

Kangra >mandi> shimla> solan> sirmaur

Top 5 in population growth

Una> solan> sirmaur> kullu> kangra

Top 5 in literacy

Hamirpur >una> kangra >bilaspur> solan

Top 5 in sex ratio

Hamirpur >kangra> mandi>chamba> bilaspur

Top 5

in Child sex ratio

Lahul and Spiti> kinnaur> kullu> chamba> sirmaur


Distt with least population- Lahul and Spiti

Distt  with least Sex ratio- Kinnaur

Distt with least literacy rate- Chamba

Distt with least child sex ratio- Una

Lahaul-Spiti Recorded a decline in the population growth rate.



#DistrictPopulationIncreaseSex RatioLiteracyDensity
1Kangra1,510,07512.77 %101285.67 %263
2Mandi999,77710.92 %100781.53 %253
3Shimla814,01012.67 %91583.64 %159
4Solan580,32015.93 %88083.68 %300
5Sirmaur529,85515.54 %91878.80 %188
6Una521,17316.26 %97686.53 %338
7Chamba519,08012.63 %98672.17 %80
8Hamirpur454,76810.19 %109588.15 %407
9Kullu437,90314.76 %94279.40 %80
10Bilaspur381,95612.05 %98184.59 %327


11Kinnaur84,1217.39 %81980.00 %13
12Lahul and Spiti31,564-5.00 %90376.81 %2


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