DMPQ Premium-The Government of Himachal Pradesh has taken several steps to create the successful start ups. Explain the above statement.

. In order to turn the educated youth from job seekers to job creator and in order to give support to the ‘Startup’ and ‘innovative projects’ in the state and to provide skills to the youth and potential investors to develop entrepreneurship “Chief Minister’s Startup/Innovation Projects/New Industries Scheme” has been formulated. The scheme envisages various … Read more DMPQ Premium-The Government of Himachal Pradesh has taken several steps to create the successful start ups. Explain the above statement.

DMPQ Premium-Throw light on the important features of Gaddi tribe?

Total Population of Gaddi tribe is about 1.78 lakhs and about 45.4% of ST population of State. The concentration of these Gaddis tribes is mainly found on both sides of the Dhauladhar Range of the state of Himachal Pradesh. Quite a number of Gaddi tribes also dwell mainly in the Brahmaur region of Chamba District, … Read more DMPQ Premium-Throw light on the important features of Gaddi tribe?

DMPQ Premium-Give the detailed analysis of forest policy of Himachal pradesh.

The Himachal pradesh Forest Sector Policy 2005 suggests some specific policy measures with strategies to support such measures. However, it is to be noted that the strategies given are illustrative and inclusive and not limited to them. The essentials of the new policy measures are enumerated below: A new classification of forestswhere conservation needs, production … Read more DMPQ Premium-Give the detailed analysis of forest policy of Himachal pradesh.

DMPQ Premium-What are the main bases of social stratification in Himachal pradesh?

Hinduism is the major religion in Himachal Pradesh. More than 95% of the total population adheres to the Hindu faith, the Subscribe on YouTube distribution of which is evenly spread throughout the state. Himachal Pradesh has the highest proportion of Hindu population among all the states and union territories in India. Other religions that form … Read more DMPQ Premium-What are the main bases of social stratification in Himachal pradesh?

DMPQ Premium-Write a brief note about the government efforts in generating employment in Himachal pradesh.

In view to tackle the unemployment situation over the recent years, Employment generation programmes (EGPs) have emerged as important employment policy tool in India, like other developing countries. This policy envelope includes a wide range of activities intended to increase labour demand; to increase the quality of labour supply or to improve the matching of … Read more DMPQ Premium-Write a brief note about the government efforts in generating employment in Himachal pradesh.

DMPQ Premium-What are the challenges of urbanization in Himachal pradesh?

Urbanisation is an inevitable part of growth for Himachal in the approaching years, will be a major trial. Unless proper initial planning is done, probabilities of retrieving benefits of development for urban residents are austere. The state is least urbanized throughout the country. Greater economic opportunity and educational prospects are being offered by the state, … Read more DMPQ Premium-What are the challenges of urbanization in Himachal pradesh?

DMPQ Premium-Write a brief note about the major fairs celebrated in Himachal pradesh.

Currently there are around twenty Himachal Pradesh level festivals or fairs registered under the federal government. All these festivals are not only important from economic point of view but they are also important for traditional survival. Shivratri Fair  Held in February in Join Our Telegram Channel Mandi, it lasts a week and is a state … Read more DMPQ Premium-Write a brief note about the major fairs celebrated in Himachal pradesh.

DMPQ Premium-Critically examine the nature and consequences of gorkha invasion on Himachal pradesh.

.  The Gurkhas conquered Kumaon and Garhwal in 1804. After annexing these states, the Nepalese army, under the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa, and his son and his deputy Ranjor Singh Thapa, started making preparations for the conquest 6f the Punjab Hill States. The Gorkhas, a martial tribe came to power in Nepal in the … Read more DMPQ Premium-Critically examine the nature and consequences of gorkha invasion on Himachal pradesh.

DMPQ Premium-. Discuss how hilly state kangra came under mughal’s control ?

Jahangir seated on the throne in 1605 A.D. Trilok Chand became the Raja of Kangra after the death of this father Raja Bidhi Chand in 1605 A.D. In 1615 A.D., Jahangir sent his allies Raja Surajmal of Nurpur (Dhameri) and Sheikh Farid Murtaza Khan to capture Kangra, but some controversy broke out between the two. … Read more DMPQ Premium-. Discuss how hilly state kangra came under mughal’s control ?

DMPQ Premium-Discuss the role of praja mandal movement in Himachal pradesh.

In 1939 at Ludhina in all India’s conference a decision was taken to set up Praja Mandal in all princely state in Himachal Pradesh. In this context, on 13 Subscribe on YouTube July 1939 a conference was organized under the chairmanship of Bhagmal Sautha of Shimla hill state. Dhami Firing Tragedy To ensure the democratic … Read more DMPQ Premium-Discuss the role of praja mandal movement in Himachal pradesh.