04-05.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Govt plans tender for water transport in four districts   Water transport could finally take off with the state government planning to float global bids to rope in entrepreneurs for the launch of the facility, mainly in four districts of Bilaspur, Mandi, Kangra and Chamba.   The detailed project report (DPR) for … Read more 04-05.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

02.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Himachal’s pong wetlands nest 1.1 lakh birds   Over 110,000 feathered guests of 107 species were recorded in a census in Himachal Pradesh’s Pong Dam wetlands, officials said. Among them the bar-headed goose, the common coot and the northern pintails are the prominent species.   During the two-day census of waterfowl species … Read more 02.02.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

28-29.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   HP to be under UDAN-2 soon, says CM   Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said to give more impetus to tourism and facilitate people, the state would be included in the second phase of Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN) Scheme as assured by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.   Under the second … Read more 28-29.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the himachal Pradesh The majestic coniferous trees from an enchanting backdrop to the mountains with broad-leafed species like the Oaks, Maples, Birdcherry, Hazelnut, Walnut, Horsechestnut and Rhododendrons adding grandeur to the landscape. Whereas the ivies clinging to the trunks of stately Cedars … Read more Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh:- Bio-Diversity:- Bio-diversity refers to the variety of life forms, such as the plants, animals and micro organisms, the genes they contain and the eco-system they form. Usually bio-diversity is classified into three groups: … Read more State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY FOR  HIMACHAL PRADESH:- Recognising the enormous potential of IT, the Himachal Pradesh Government has chalked out a multi-pronged strategy to herald the benefits of this technology for its citizens and for the State as a whole. Accordingly, the State Government has created an IT friendly environment for integrated participation by all in … Read more INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY FOR HIMACHAL PRADESH

Tourism policy, potential and initiative in Himachal Pradesh

Tourism policy, potential and initiative in Himachal Pradesh Tourism policy 2015 Policy objectives are as follows: To establish Himachal Pradesh as a leading tourist destination in the country and abroad; To make tourism a prime engine for economic development and prosperity of the State and as a major means for providing  employment; To encourage a … Read more Tourism policy, potential and initiative in Himachal Pradesh

Hill States under the Colonial power: Political and Administrative History. Grants, Sanads and territorial aggression.

British Rule in the Hill State The British rule commenced in the state after Anglo-Gorkha war. The Gorkha’s were out powered by the British and they established their supremacy in the state after the Anglo-Gorkha war along the provinces of Satluj. Thus British started annexing the area one by one and emerged as dominant powers … Read more Hill States under the Colonial power: Political and Administrative History. Grants, Sanads and territorial aggression.

Employment Schemes and Programmes both of Union Government and Himachal Pradesh Government

   Centre Scheme Swach Bharat Mission:- To accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage and to put focus on sanitation, the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Swachh Bharat Mission on 2nd October, 2014. The Mission Coordinator shall be Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) with two Sub-Missions – … Read more Employment Schemes and Programmes both of Union Government and Himachal Pradesh Government

Impact of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization.

Impacts of Privatization Privatization in generic terms refers to the process of transfer of ownership, can be of both permanent or long term lease in nature, of a once upon a time state-owned or public owned property to individuals or groups that intend to utilize it for private benefits and run the entity with the aim of … Read more Impact of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization.

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