National Movement with special reference to Praja Mandal movements in Himachal Pradesh, 1848-1948

National Movement with special reference to Praja Mandal movements in Himachal Pradesh, 1848-1948 The people of the hill also participated in the freedom struggle. The highlights of the freedom movement in this tract are listed below: Praja Mandal launched agitations against the British yoke in areas under direct British Rule. In other princely states agitations … Read more National Movement with special reference to Praja Mandal movements in Himachal Pradesh, 1848-1948

Politics of sub-regionalism and pressure groups in the State

Politics of sub-regionalism and pressure groups in the Himachal Pradesh:- A sub-region refers to a small area within a region. Due to various factors, the people of a sub-region feel that they possess a distinct identity. A movement for the separation of that sub-region from a state or for the redressal of grievances in the … Read more Politics of sub-regionalism and pressure groups in the State

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