Important international Institutions, agencies and fora, their structure and mandate.

An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types: International nongovernmental organizations(INGOs): non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross. Intergovernmental organizations, also known as international governmental organizations (IGOs): the type of organization most closely associated with … Read more Important international Institutions, agencies and fora, their structure and mandate.

10.11.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   74% vote in HP, notch up from ’12   Himachal Pradesh registered a heavy turnout for elections to the 68 Vidhan Sabha seats, with more than 74 per cent of the voters exercising their franchise. The polling was peaceful.   With people standing in queues past 7 pm at 435 polling stations, … Read more 10.11.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

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