DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. Development is incomplete without rendering gender equality. It is a myth when 50% of the biological stream is lagging behind due to unavailability of equality of opportunity. According to the economic survey 2017-18, there are 24% women workforce as compared to men. … Read more DMPQ: Development is a myth without rendering women equality. Discuss in the context with women participation in labor force.

DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

Aviation sector is one of the promising sector in India. This sector faced a growth rate of 20%  per annum in passenger traffic. As per IATA, India will become the 3rd largest aviation market in the world interms of passenger by 2026. Above data clearly states that aviation sector is not under stressed. The opportunities … Read more DMPQ: Air India is severely under stressed but aviation sector is not. Identify the potential and challenges?

DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

PPP is public private partnership where a private entity enters into a contract with a government entity to provide public asset or service in which the private party provides its managerial expertise and operational efficiency.   Remuneration in this is linked to performance. PPP model was envisioned for infrastructure sector but now it is present in … Read more DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

DMPQ: Wealth inequality is a serious concern for the Government around the world. What are the reasons for wealth inequality in India? List down the consequence of wealth inequality.

:  According to a report of Oxfam international , India’s richest now hold 58% of country’s wealth. 57 billionaires in the country have the same wealth as that of the bottom 70% population, Wealth inequality is a serious issue. The reasons for wealth inequality are: Growing incidence of Tax avoidance and Tax evasion Existence of … Read more DMPQ: Wealth inequality is a serious concern for the Government around the world. What are the reasons for wealth inequality in India? List down the consequence of wealth inequality.

DMPQ: India’s growth story has bypassed the industrial sector. what  are the reasons for low performance of industrial sector in India post liberalisation.

The industrial sector has performed poorly in the reform period because of decreasing demand of industrial products due to various reasons’ such as cheaper imports, inadequate investment, infrastructure etc. India is a founder member of WTO and in facilitating globalisation of Indian Economy, India like other developing countries is compelled to open up its economy … Read more DMPQ: India’s growth story has bypassed the industrial sector. what  are the reasons for low performance of industrial sector in India post liberalisation.

DMPQ: What is black money? Discuss its implication in context of India?

Black money is defined  as assets or resources that have neither been reported to the public authorities at the time of their generation nor disclosed at any point of time during the possession. The problem with  black money is huge . It has serious socio-political and economic implications. According to sources the estimate of GDP … Read more DMPQ: What is black money? Discuss its implication in context of India?

DMPQ: Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy?

India Cash/GDP ratio is 12.24% which makes it one of the largest cash based economy. But there are certain problem for a cashless economy especially for India as : ‘ There is low penetration of internet. Last mile connectivity especially in rural sector is quite low which creates hurdle in digitisation of economy. Lack of … Read more DMPQ: Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy?

A healthy Infrastructure is a catalyst for a good economy. Discuss the statement in context of India. List down the key issues faced by infrastructure sector.

A healthy infrastructure provides platform for smooth functioning of economic activity. Power, telecom, transportation etc are essential for any business or economic activity. If country wants to be on the growth path it needs to work hard on capital formation in terms of infrastructure. According to economic survey, India needs $4.5 trillion for sustaining growth … Read more A healthy Infrastructure is a catalyst for a good economy. Discuss the statement in context of India. List down the key issues faced by infrastructure sector.

What is the Green revolution? Analyse the impact of green revolution.

Green revolution is an agricultural revolution in which agricultural productivity was increased by providing package of inputs like High yield variety seeds, chemical fertiliser and better irrigation facility. It lead to the increased agricultural production and made India a self -reliant country in terms of food production. Impact of green revolution are summarised as below: … Read more What is the Green revolution? Analyse the impact of green revolution.