Daily current affair 4 October 2015

Financial intelligence unit Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND) was set by the Government of India in 2004 as the central national agency responsible for receiving, processing, analyzing and disseminating information relating to suspect financial transactions. FIU-IND is also responsible for Subscribe on YouTube coordinating and strengthening efforts of national and international intelligence, investigation and … Read more Daily current affair 4 October 2015

Daily current affair 3 October 2015

Mapping of Ancient India scientific achievement Indian Council of historical research will map the countries scientific achievement starting from Vedic Era up to the 18th century . Indian Council of historical research will draft historians to study in ancient literature such as :- Vedas Puranas Dharmshastra artha shastra  Vedanga Jyotisha  Rasasastra Vastu Shastra  to trace … Read more Daily current affair 3 October 2015

Daily current affair 2 October 2015 of the hindu and indian express

Various rates of RBI Repo rate is the rate at which banks can borrow from RBI Yield on Government Bonds  is the rate at which the government can borrow from the market and is a benchmark for companies Subscribe on YouTube issuing bonds Base bank rate is the rate at which companies and individual get … Read more Daily current affair 2 October 2015 of the hindu and indian express

29 September -daily current affairs -The Hindu and Indian Express

NASA finds evidence of liquid water on Mars In hellas impact basin. But the composition and source of water is it still unknown. Super moon and tidal flooding Super moon is a perigian spring tide that occur when the moon is either New or full and closest to the earth (perigee) causing increased tidal ranges … Read more 29 September -daily current affairs -The Hindu and Indian Express

28 September -daily current affairs -The Hindu and Indian Express

Digital India Multinational companies such as Google apple Microsoft Qualcomm will play a major role in the digital India and will reduce the digital Subscribe on YouTube divide in the country. Google will set up WiFi stations and will push for typing in 10 different indic language including Gujarati Apple will push forward in setting … Read more 28 September -daily current affairs -The Hindu and Indian Express

27 September Daily Current Affairs : from The Hindu and Indian Express

CASSINI-HUYGENS is a NASA mission in which an unmanned spacecraft was send to Saturn.  it was a 4th space mission to Saturn but first to enter its Orbit orbital enceladus -Is a Saturn’s Moon where subsurface ocean and other geological activities favour the possibility of life on the satellite   G4 or Group of four … Read more 27 September Daily Current Affairs : from The Hindu and Indian Express

26 September,Daily current affairs from The Hindu and Indian Express

  Economic Scenario in India According to chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanyam direct tax revenue numbers are not doing so well ,and stalled projects have come down but at the same time exports are in a negative territory. Road requirement plan II Under Road requirement plan II government is planning to build more brides and … Read more 26 September,Daily current affairs from The Hindu and Indian Express

25 September- Current Affairs- The Hindu and Indian Express

National government planning to wind up JNNURM AMRUT -Atal Mission for Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation Union Ministry of mines Is planning to use Remote Sensing data for controlling illegal mines Earth observation satellites are already used to estimate the kind of mineral and the extent of the present in an area this information is used … Read more 25 September- Current Affairs- The Hindu and Indian Express

24 September- current affairs- the hindu and Indian express

Skill India Mission National Sample Survey report 2011 -12  on education and vocational training stated that person in the age group of 15 years to 59 years have  2.2 % formal vocational training and 8.6 %  informal vocational training (which merely comprised the passing down of hereditary skills or on the job training) Rural males- … Read more 24 September- current affairs- the hindu and Indian express

Harappan art 2500 1800 BC

  • Also known as the bronze age
  • Architecture refers to designing of and construction of buildings where are the sculpture is a three-dimensional work of art
  • In architecture ,various types of materials are used that is a stone , wood, glass, metal  etc .where as sculpture is made of single piece of material.
  • Architecture involves study of engineering And Engineering Mathematics and depends upon measurements, where as sculpture involves creativity and imagination , may not depend on measurements.


  • Are a square or rectangular or circular or triangular piece of material mainly stone with an average size of 2”x2” .dominantly square seals were found on them ,we find pictographic scripts along with animal Impressions which are yet to be deciphered.
  • Seals are made up of steatite (a river soft stone ) . Evidences of Copper Gold and Ivory seals has also been found in some instances
  • 5 signs or symbols on an average are present on a seal
  • Direction of writing is right to left
  • Seals are decorated with animal motif such as Unicorn bull , rhinoceros ,tiger ,elephant, goat, buffalo, etc (except cow)
  • Inscription of human figure are present on both side of the seals,even in some cases they are present on all 3 sides.

Significance /purpose of seal

  • mainly used as unit of trade and Commerce
  • Also used as amulets for productive and spiritual purpose(mainly Copper),dead bodies found had a hole for wearing them
  • Also used as an educational tool
  • Example Pashupati seals and Unicorn seals

II -Terracotta figures (sculptures)

  • Terracotta are fired baked clay
  • These figures are handmade using punching methods
  • For example mother goddess ,toys cards with wheels, birds and animals etc

III-Bronze sculptures

  • Bronze casting was practised on a wide scale under Harappan art
  • The technique used for Casting is known as “lost wax technique”
  • Under this technique at first wax figures are covered with a coating of clay and allowed to dry. Then it is heated and molten wax is allowed to drain out through a tiny hole at the bottom of the clay cover .the hollow mould is then filled with bronze or any other metal . Once the metal is cooled the clay is removed
  • Evacuations where it was prominent
  1. Kalibangan presently Rajasthan
  2. Daimabad presently Maharashtra
  3. Harappa

Example -Bronze dancing girl

It is a naked girl wearing only ornaments which include bangles , armlets  & necklace the left hand is on the hip. It is made using lost wax technique

Others stone sculpture

  • Bearded priest
  • Male torso (red sandstone)


  • Red and black pottery(painted pottery)
  • It consists of mainly wheel made wares. Very few are handmade
  • The more common is plain pottery
  • Under red and black pottery red colour was used to paint the background and black colour to draw design of trees, birds, animals, human figures and other geometrical patterns

Uses of pottery

  • For household purpose (storage of water ,food grains )
  • For decoration -miniature vessel used for decoration
  • Used for perforated pottery
  • Large hole at the bottom and small holes all over the wall and was probably used for straining liquor .


  • They are made up of a large variety of material ranging from precious metals, gemstones, bone and even baked clay
  • Necklace armlets and finger rings were common and worn by both males and females .while women wore a earings and anklets evidences of dead bodies Burried along with ornaments have also been found.
  • Harrapans were also conscious of fashion ( as different hairstyles ,wearing of a beard etc have been found
  • Cinnabar was used as a Cosmetic lipstick, Face paints and even eyeliner were also known to them.
  • Spinning of cotton and wool was common among Harappan


  • Houses were build of baked bricks, of fixed size.
  • Use of stone and wood in building has also been found
  • The concept of two storied houses were also present
  • Public Bath was a common feature example great bath at Mohenjo Daro ,it had galleries and rooms on all sides.
  • Granaries was another important creation which used to be located in Citadel .there construction was so intelligent that strategic conduct and platform can be found.
  • Drainage system of Harappa was note worthy .there was a temporary cover to drains,underground
  • Roads use to cut at right angles