Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh

Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh:- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS:- Intellectual property (IP) is a collective term used to describe new ideas, inventions, designs, writings, films, etc. that are protected by copyright, patents, trademarks, industrial designs etc. Every country has a … Read more Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh

18.10.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   EC may not hold Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh counting together   The Election Commission may not hold counting for Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat simultaneously on December 18, according to a senior EC functionary.   The idea is to only finish polling in Gujarat before December 18 so that Himachal results do not affect the way Gujarat votes. This means polling … Read more 18.10.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

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