Poverty and Unemployment:Measurements and trends; identification of BPL families,

The World Bank defines poverty in absolute terms. The bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than US$1.90 per day> (PPP), and moderate poverty as less than $3.10 a day. Types of Poverty Absolute poverty measures poverty in relation to the amount of money necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and … Read more Poverty and Unemployment:Measurements and trends; identification of BPL families,

The Consumer Protection Act

The Consumer Protection Act is an Act to provide for better protection of the interests of consumers and for that purpose to make provision for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumers’ disputes and for matters connected therewith .A number of laws have been enacted in India to safeguard … Read more The Consumer Protection Act


Section (A) – Indian Constitution and Polity (I) Preamble of the Indian Constitution (Secular, Democratic and Socialist-Philosophy behind It) (II) Salient features of the Indian Constitution. ; Basic structure of the Indian Constitution.Concept of Public Interest Litigation (III)Fundamental Rights & Duties (IV) Directive Principles of the State Policy (V) Union Government : (a) Union Executive … Read more Paper IV- INDIAN CONSTITUTION & POLITY, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION & GOOD GOVERNANCE

Role and Functions of Reserve Bank of India and commercial banks

Role of RBI Pre-reform Post-reform Developmental Role: the developmental role has increased in view of the changing structure of the economy with a focus on SMEs and financial inclusion Priority Sector Lending: Introduced from 1974 with public sector banks. Extended to all commercial banks by 1992 In the revised guidelines for PSL the thrust is … Read more Role and Functions of Reserve Bank of India and commercial banks

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