Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the himachal Pradesh The majestic coniferous trees from an enchanting backdrop to the mountains with broad-leafed species like the Oaks, Maples, Birdcherry, Hazelnut, Walnut, Horsechestnut and Rhododendrons adding grandeur to the landscape. Whereas the ivies clinging to the trunks of stately Cedars … Read more Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

Vegetation of Himachal Pradesh

Vegetation of Himachal Pradesh The Forests of Himachal Pradesh known for their grandeur and majesty are like a green pearl in the Himalayan crown. This life supporting systems are presently under great stress due to impact of modern civilization, economic development and growth in human and cattle population. According to National Forest Policy, 1988, at … Read more Vegetation of Himachal Pradesh

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