DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

. Here are just seven examples of how nuclear technology is improving agriculture: Improved soil and water balance Nuclear techniques are now used in many countries to help maintain healthy soil and water systems, which are paramount in ensuring food security for the growing global population. For instance, in Benin, a scheme involving 5 000 … Read more DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh Social implications Transportation problems are the main issue in the social agenda. Traffic problems have been aggravated due to factors like mixed traffic patterns, incorrect utilization of urban infrastructure, and distorted distribution of land use in addition to tremendous tourist traffic. The improper geometric design … Read more Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh.

Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh Environmental concerns of tourism All too often, the environment is the ultimate victim of development and expansion. Growth pressures have seen Dharamshala’s boundaries encroach on previously untouched land as the local population and tourist demands stretch infrastructure … Read more Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh.

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