Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the himachal Pradesh The majestic coniferous trees from an enchanting backdrop to the mountains with broad-leafed species like the Oaks, Maples, Birdcherry, Hazelnut, Walnut, Horsechestnut and Rhododendrons adding grandeur to the landscape. Whereas the ivies clinging to the trunks of stately Cedars … Read more Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State

Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh Social implications Transportation problems are the main issue in the social agenda. Traffic problems have been aggravated due to factors like mixed traffic patterns, incorrect utilization of urban infrastructure, and distorted distribution of land use in addition to tremendous tourist traffic. The improper geometric design … Read more Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh

Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh:- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS:- Intellectual property (IP) is a collective term used to describe new ideas, inventions, designs, writings, films, etc. that are protected by copyright, patents, trademarks, industrial designs etc. Every country has a … Read more Relevance and role of Intellectual Property Rights, Geographical Indications and Traditional wisdom and knowledge in sustainable development of the Himachal Pradesh

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh:- Bio-Diversity:- Bio-diversity refers to the variety of life forms, such as the plants, animals and micro organisms, the genes they contain and the eco-system they form. Usually bio-diversity is classified into three groups: … Read more State Biodiversity strategy and Action Plan. Endangered and threatened species of Himachal Pradesh. Factors responsible for Bio diversity decline in Himachal Pradesh

24.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Keen to work with Russia in tourism sector: CM The government is looking forward to work with the Russian government in the field of tourism development and water conservation, said Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, adding that the state would also seek cooperation in other sectors like investment, technology, road infrastructure and … Read more 24.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

Enactments made by Himachal Pradesh Government to protect and promote the interests of agrarian society

Enactments made by Himachal Pradesh Government to protect and promote the interests of agrarian society Agriculture contributes over 45% to the net state domestic product. It is the main source of income and employment in Himachal. Over 93% of the population in Himachal depend directly upon agriculture which provides direct employment to 71% of its … Read more Enactments made by Himachal Pradesh Government to protect and promote the interests of agrarian society

14-15 .01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH Tibet museum to come up in Dharamshala’   The Tibetan ‘government-in- exile’ has decided to open a Tibet museum at Gangchen Kyishong here by the end of this year. The exhibits of the museum will be around 11 themes. The first will be an introduction to Tibet, its history and culture “prior to Chinese … Read more 14-15 .01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

10.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Mardi is new DGP   The government today appointed SR Mardi, at present posted as DGP, Home Guards and Civil Defence, as new DGP of the state.   An IPS officer of 1986 batch of the Himachal cadre, Mardi has replaced Somesh Goyal. He was promoted as the DGP in 2014. During … Read more 10.01.18 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

14.12.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

HIMACHAL PRADESH   Kangra overall state champion in weightlifting   The two-day state level weightlifting competition concluded at Seven Star International School in Bani of Jawali.   Kangra won the overall championship trophy in both men’s and women’s category while Solan and Una were runners up in men’s and women’s category, respectively. The championship was … Read more 14.12.17 Himachal Pradesh (HPPCS) Current Affairs

Urban spheres of influence and rural urban fringe

Urban spheres of influence and rural urban fringe Urban spheres of influence Urban spheres of influence reflect centre-to-hinterland relationship, compared with the non-central region, the centre assumes more complex economic functions, and provides more economic activities. Famous theoretical contributions to this research field are the Central Place Theory (Christaller, 1933), the extension to the Central … Read more Urban spheres of influence and rural urban fringe

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