Biotechnology policy of himachal pradesh
Biotechnology is a fast developing field with activities and uses covering the entire spectrum of human life. Biotechnology, which involves the fusion of biology and technology, is the technology based on the understanding of life incorporating various aspects of biology, medicine, chemistry, engineering and informatics. Biotechnology is formally defined as “the application of science and technology to living organisms as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services. It involves manipulating and modifying organisms, often at the molecular level, to create new and practical applications for agriculture, medicine and industry.”
Himachal Pradesh has the wide scope to develop various types of BT industries using raw material base of fruits, vegetables, high value cash crops and other naturally growing herbal plants. These industries can be in the sectors such as, bio-pharmaceuticals, phyto- chemicals, bio-prospecting, fermentation, post-harvest processing, bio-processing, pharmaceuticals, biochemical, genetically engineered micro-organisms, enzyme production, environment protection and animal husbandry etc.
Himachal has tremendous potential in horticultural sector. The state needs immediate replacement of old orchards with high yielding, disease free fresh planting stock. Biotechnology can play important role by use of micro propagated plants. With this, the industries for cider, vinegar, wine and juice can come up to international standard. The horticulture sector also needs a facelift using hi-tech biotechnological interventions at nursery, orchard, post harvest, processing, packaging and marketing stages. The Horticulture Technology Mission launched in the State will prove to be a major milestone in strengthening the developmental activities through technological inputs.
In agriculture sector there is need for diversification of farming for economic rehabilitation and self-sufficiency. High yielding improved crop verities and transgenic especially stress tolerant (cold, rain fed conditions), biofertilzers, biopesticides etc. are other areas where Biotechnology can play major role.
Strengths of HP to Support Biotechnology based Industries
Himachal Pradesh is an ideal destination to invest in biotechnology based industries because of the following advantages over other States:
Biodiversity: The State is endowed with rich plant, animal and microbial biodiversity. There are many rare plants, particularly in the upper reaches of Himalayas, which have immense potential for use in the pharmaceutical industry.
Eco-diversity:The State in unique in having varied ecological conditions. Depending upon the eco-geographical conditions, different flora and fauna predominates in different areas.
Pollution-free environment: Because of low population density and thick vegetative cover, the State is free from the pollution.
Mild climate: Unlike the neighbouring plains, the climate of the State remains mild for most part of the year. This is advantageous for those industries, which require controlled environment, especially cooling during summer months.
Availability of industrial land, water and electricity: There are three basic requirements to establish and sustain industrial units. There is adequate wasteland, which can be used to setup industries. The State has enough and cheap electricity, available throughout the year. Water, mostly from the natural perennial sources fed by snow meting is in abundance.
Mission Statement: To convert Himachal Pradesh into a prosperous Himalayan Biobusiness Hub with Biotechnology as one of the engines of growth through scientific and technological empowerment of human resource for enhancing efficiency, productivity, cost effective products, processes and technologies.
- To make Himachal a preferred and globally competitive destination for development of BT products, processes and services.
- To upgrade infrastructural support to R&D and Educational Institutions to generate highly skilled human resource in biotechnology.
- To intensify R&D work in potential areas of biotechnology, including agriculture, animal husbandry, human health, environment and industry.
- To conserve and commercially exploit bio-resources of the State for sustainable development.
- To create awareness about the investment opportunities in biotechnology, genomics, bioinformatics, biofuels, contract research, etc. to entrepreneurial community and promote Biotechnology industrial investment in the State.
Horticulture in himachal pradesh
Horticulture in HP has been responsible for many of the positive outcomes in employment, wages, and in turn, poverty reduction. Employment in horticulture as a percentage of all agricultural employment in HP increased from 0.9 percent to 28 percent between 1983 and 2009-10. Crop diversification has made a significant impact on income and employment among small and marginal farmers.
Notwithstanding the significant potential of horticulture production in HP to contribute to higher economic growth and poverty reduction objectives, the state faces a number of sectoral, institutional and policy challenges which need to be addressed more systematically if the full potential is to be realized and translated into sustainable development impacts. These include:
- limited access to appropriate production technologies, including elite planting materials, leading to low productivity;
- insufficiently developed water management systems, leaving the state’s horticulture almost entirely dependent on rainfall in spite of available water resources;
- a weak research system and limited capacity and efficiency of extension services leading to inappropriate horticulture practices;
- high post-harvest losses, paired with low value addition, exacerbated by weak storage, processing, and marketing capabilities;
- weak institutional capacity for the development of micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) in agro processing; and
- lack of access to medium and long-term financial capital. The sector is also faced with competition from abroad because its domestic markets are open to international trade.
The strategy of GoI and Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) to address the constraints for the rapid and sustainable development of the horticulture sector includes a variety of initiatives. This focus on growth through diversification into high value horticulture production by creating an environment that enables the farming community to acquire the necessary technical knowledge and capacity to capitalize on emerging market opportunities.3 The GoHP actively supports the implementation of Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS). The GoHP is also pioneering a number of initiatives emphasizing carbon-sensitive and environmentally sustainable watersheds. The State is also first to have a large scale forestry Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project the Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project, Improving Livelihoods and Watersheds (CDM Project 4174). The state’s strategic shift to and emphasis on high value horticulture opens the financial viability of providing irrigation, which in turn provides improved resilience against rainfall uncertainties. The proposed Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project (HPHDP) represents a major shift in how the long term development of the horticulture sector can be supported through an integrated value chain approach. As such the HPDHP expands investments in production, processing, and marketing while improving service delivery. The project supports the modernization of the horticulture sector through the application of new technologies and approaches that will contribute to climate resiliency, strengthen the productive capacities of producers and their organizations, and facilitate access to markets and value addition for selected commodities.5 It will facilitate improved access to and use of financial services—in particular credit and insurance—for farmers and agro-enterprises by supporting new product development and financial counseling.
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