- DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Good ozone and bad zone?
- DMPQ- What are the main characteristics of Tropical deciduous forest?
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Joint forest Management.
- DMPQ- Recently there was ban on the use of single use plastics. What is single use plastics.
- DMPQ- What are the objectives of National Environment Policy?
- DMPQ- What are the different methods of solid waste treatment?
- DMPQ- What do you mean by organic farming? What are its benefits?
- DMPQ- Recently Forest report was released by forest survey of India. Highlight the major findings.
- DMPQ: In the last decade NGT played a great role in rendering environment justice. In light of the statement, Suggest the role of NGT in last decade.
- DMPQ: The Indian Meteorological department confirmed that this month was coldest in Delhi since 1901. What are the Possible reasons for such cold waves?
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Hydrofluoro carbon?
- DMPQ- What are forest Fires? What are the causes of Forest fires?
- DMPQ-Explain the concept of Air quality Index.
- DMPQ: Write a short note on Living Planet Index (LPI).
- DMPQ- What do you understand by the term “ Carbon market”?
- DMPQ- How climate change affect the fauna and flora of the country?
- DMPQ-Enumerate the threat to biodiversity in India.
- DMPQ: How thermal power plants are detrimental to the environment?
- DMPQ- What is e waste? Discuss its impact on the environment and health.
- DMPQ- What is 4 Rs principle for Waste reduction?
- DMPQ- Mention the Importance and relevance of Agroecology in detail.
- DMPQ-Despite having large biodiversity in equatorial region, lumbering and livestock farming is still difficult. Comment.
- DMPQ-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change
- DMPQ-Urban environmental management (UFM)
- DMPQ-Explain the preventive measures and preparedness plan for drought mitigation
- DMPQ-Renewal Energy as an alternative.Comment.
- DMPQ- What are Soil health cards?
- DMPQ-What do you understand by the term flagship species and indicator species.
- DMPQ- Explain the importance of Contour banks and strip cropping in combating soil erosion.
- DMPQ-Write the objectives of Wildlife protection act 1972 and its various ammendments.
- DMPQ- What are the impacts of global warming
- DMPQ- Mention the steps in Disaster risk management
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