DMPQ: Nitrogen pollution is more dangerous than carbon pollution. How nitrogen affects our ecosystem. (Science)

:  Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere and it is in inert form. But when it converts into reactive form like ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitrogen di oxide, it become dangerous for the ecosystem in many ways. Nitrogenous gases also play an important role in global climate change. Nitrous oxide is a particularly … Read more DMPQ: Nitrogen pollution is more dangerous than carbon pollution. How nitrogen affects our ecosystem. (Science)

DMPQ: What is CRISPR-Cas9 and explain the process involved in using it. (Science)

.   CRISPR stands for Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats it is in the series of molecular scissors which is used for deletion, insertion and replacement of genome to achieve the desired result. It is latest technology of gene editing. Cas-9 is an enzyme. It use a synthetic guide RNA to introduce a double strand … Read more DMPQ: What is CRISPR-Cas9 and explain the process involved in using it. (Science)

DMPQ: What is recombinant DNA technology? Mention the steps involved in rDNA technology? (Science)

It is a technology to bring the changes in the phenotype(the way we appear) by altering the genome. The insertion of foreign gene and thus creating new gene is called recombinant gene. The technology involved in the process is called rDNA technology. Steps in the rDNA technology are: Identification Of donor DNA and Plasmid DNA. … Read more DMPQ: What is recombinant DNA technology? Mention the steps involved in rDNA technology? (Science)

DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

Biodynamics a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. Biodynamics is rooted to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is … Read more DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

DMPQ: What is hydroponics? What are its advantages? (Science)What is hydroponics? What are its advantages? (Science)

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.With hydroponics the plants are grown in an inert growing medium and a perfectly balanced, pH adjusted nutrient solution is delivered to the roots in a highly soluble form. Advantages of hydroponics: No soil is … Read more DMPQ: What is hydroponics? What are its advantages? (Science)What is hydroponics? What are its advantages? (Science)

DMPQ: Recently BHEL is negotiating with Libcoin to build India’s first lithium-ion Gigafactory. Discuss the advantages of Lithium ion battery. (Science)

It is light weighted and is one-third the weight of lead acid batteries. It is nearly 100% efficient in both charging and discharging as compared to lead battery which has 70% efficiency. It completely discharges i.e. 100% as compared to 80% for lead acid. It has life cycle of 5000 times or more compared to … Read more DMPQ: Recently BHEL is negotiating with Libcoin to build India’s first lithium-ion Gigafactory. Discuss the advantages of Lithium ion battery. (Science)

DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

Biodynamics a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food, and nutrition. Biodynamics is rooted to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is … Read more DMPQ:What is bio dynamics? Explain its role in sustainable development and assuring farmers income. (Science)

DMPQ: What is the difference between euploidy and aneuploidy? ( Science)

Euploidy Aneuploidy It refers to the state of having a chromosomes number that is an exact multiple of chromosomes number. It refers to a condition in which one or few chromosomes are added or deleted from the chromosome number A large variation in which the amount of genetic material increases by means of chromosomes sets. … Read more DMPQ: What is the difference between euploidy and aneuploidy? ( Science)