Domestic Violence Against Women (Prevention) Act

Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full advancement of women. The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, General Assembly Resolution, December 1993. Domestic violence … Read more Domestic Violence Against Women (Prevention) Act

Leadership and its qualities

Leadership is the process, which influences the people and inspires them to willingly accomplish the organisational objectives. The main purpose of managerial leadership isto gets willing cooperation of the workgroup to achieve the goals. Leadership is the ability to persuade and motivate others to work in desired way for achieving the goals. Thus, a person … Read more Leadership and its qualities

Public Administration and management: Meaning, nature and significance

The English word  administer‘ is derived from a combination of two Latin words and ?ministrate‘ meaning ?to serve or manage‘. Literally, the term means management the affairs of public or private. Administration refers to mobilisation of resources – human and material- to achieve pre-set of objectives. Administration is thus an activity undertaken in pursuit of … Read more Public Administration and management: Meaning, nature and significance

Delegation, Centralization and decentrailzation of authority

Delegation The active process of entrustment of a part of work or responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance is known as delegation. Thus, there are three elements of delegation as follows- Assignment of Responsibility: This is also known as entrustment of duties. Duties can be divided into two parts: … Read more Delegation, Centralization and decentrailzation of authority


Section (A) – Indian Constitution and Polity (I) Preamble of the Indian Constitution (Secular, Democratic and Socialist-Philosophy behind It) (II) Salient features of the Indian Constitution. ; Basic structure of the Indian Constitution.Concept of Public Interest Litigation (III)Fundamental Rights & Duties (IV) Directive Principles of the State Policy (V) Union Government : (a) Union Executive … Read more Paper IV- INDIAN CONSTITUTION & POLITY, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION & GOOD GOVERNANCE

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