Impact of Liberalisation- For RAS RTS Mains examination of Rpsc

  The leading economists of the country differ in their opinion about the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of the policy of liberalisation.Liberalization has led to several positive and negative effects on Indian economy and society. Some of the consequences of liberalisation have been briefly described here: 1. Increase in the Direct Foreign Investment: The policy of … Read more Impact of Liberalisation- For RAS RTS Mains examination of Rpsc

Impacts of Privatization

Privatization in generic terms refers to the process of transfer of ownership, can be of both permanent or long term lease in nature, of a once upon a time state-owned or public owned property to individuals or groups that intend to utilize it for private benefits and run the entity with the aim of profit maximization. ADVANTAGES … Read more Impacts of Privatization

Impacts of Globalisation:-

Definition of Globalization :- Its a process(not an outcome) characterized by increasing global Interconnections by gradual removal of barriers to trade and investment between nation and higher economic efficiency through competitiveness. Various economic, political, social and cultural effects of globalization are as follows:- Breaking down of national economic barriers International spread of Trade, Financial and … Read more Impacts of Globalisation:-

Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:- For Ras RTS Mains exam of Rpsc

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly referred to as the World Bank, is an international financial institution whose purposes include assisting the development of its member nation’s territories, promoting and supplementing private foreign investment and promoting long-range balance growth in international trade. The World Bank was established in December 1945 at the … Read more Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:- For Ras RTS Mains exam of Rpsc

Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:-

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), commonly referred to as the World Bank, is an international financial institution whose purposes include assisting the development of its member nation’s territories, promoting and supplementing private foreign investment and promoting long-range balance growth in international trade. The World Bank was established in December 1945 at the … Read more Role of World Bank, IMF WTO & other Important International Organisations in world Economy:-

Rajasthan: Economics and Finance

Rajasthan Mineral Policy  2015 Rajasthan may put about 400 small size mining leases of minerals like granite,marble and quartz under the hammer in 2015 as it looks to expand its area under mining as well as increase revenue. 9% of total mineral production in the country, is also exploring joint ventures (JV) with multi national companies (MNCs) to … Read more Rajasthan: Economics and Finance

Environmental and Ecological Issues. For Ras RTS Mains and Ras Rts Prelims Exam


Environmental and Ecological Issues. For Ras RTS Mains and Ras Rts Prelims Exam


Broad Physical features.for Ras Rts Mains Examination and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

  Introduction. 2 Two approaches to study Geography. 2 History: 2 Branches: 2 Origins of Earth. 3 Theories: 3 Nature of earth: 3 Time line: 3 Solar System.. 3 Earth: Shape and Size. 4 Location on Earth. 5 Motion of the Earth & Effect of inclination. 6 Time. 7 Moon. 8 Atmosphere. 10 Structure. 10 … Read more Broad Physical features.for Ras Rts Mains Examination and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

Broad Physical features.for Ras Rts Mains Examination and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

  Introduction. 2 Two approaches to study Geography. 2 History: 2 Branches: 2 Origins of Earth. 3 Theories: 3 Nature of earth: 3 Time line: 3 Solar System.. 3 Earth: Shape and Size. 4 Location on Earth. 5 Motion of the Earth & Effect of inclination. 6 Time. 7 Moon. 8 Atmosphere. 10 Structure. 10 … Read more Broad Physical features.for Ras Rts Mains Examination and Ras Rts Prelims Exam