Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders

Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders Disaster management (DM) is a challenging domain to model because of the variety of dynamic characteristics attached to the domain. Metamodeling is a model-driven approach that describes how semantic domain models can be built into an artifact called a Metamodel. By … Read more Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders

Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions

Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions Disaster management meant different for different players. For many decades prior to Major catastrophes like Orissa Super Cyclone (1999), Gujarat Earth quake & West Bengal Floods (2000) disaster management for respective state governments was to emphasis on early warning, evacuation, post disaster compensation, rehabilitation, shelter construction, i.e., basically reactive. And, … Read more Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions

Disaster profile of the country

Disaster profile of the country Disasters are sudden and intense events which result in considerable destruction, injuries & deaths, disrupting normal life as well as the process of development. Increasing population and various other socio-economic factors have forced people to live in vulnerable areas. Disasters are perceived to be on the increase in terms of … Read more Disaster profile of the country

Social and Environmental impacts of disasters

Social and Environmental impacts of disasters Social impacts of disasters Natural Disasters can cause social impacts that are similar in different types of communities such as the need for rebuilding, urgent access to health care, simply accessing shelter during/after a storm, availability to food and water, turning towards the government for aid or towards religious … Read more Social and Environmental impacts of disasters

Social and Economic conditions under colonial period with special reference to social practices of Beth, Begar and Reet

Social and Economic conditions under colonial period with special reference to social practices of Beth, Begar and Reet Social conditions Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent. These practices … Read more Social and Economic conditions under colonial period with special reference to social practices of Beth, Begar and Reet