Describe the objectives of the policy on Hydro Power Development approved by the Government of India in 1998.

The Objectives of India’s 1998 Hydro Power Development Policy Introduction: India’s 1998 National Policy on Hydropower aimed to revitalize the hydropower sector, which had faced stagnation in the preceding years due to various bottlenecks. The policy, announced amidst growing energy demands and recognition of hydropower’s potential as a clean and renewable energy source, sought to … Read more Describe the objectives of the policy on Hydro Power Development approved by the Government of India in 1998.

Discuss the latest trends in economic inequalities in India.

Latest Trends in Economic Inequalities in India: A Discussion Introduction: Economic inequality in India, a persistent challenge, has witnessed significant shifts in recent years. While India has experienced remarkable economic growth, the benefits haven’t been evenly distributed, leading to a widening gap between the rich and the poor. The World Inequality Database (WID) consistently ranks … Read more Discuss the latest trends in economic inequalities in India.

What is the Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project (HPCDP)? Discuss its objectives.

The Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project (HPCDP): Objectives and Impact Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a predominantly hilly state in India, traditionally relies heavily on agriculture, with a significant portion of its farming community dependent on a limited number of crops, primarily wheat, maize, and rice. This dependence makes the state vulnerable to fluctuating market prices … Read more What is the Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project (HPCDP)? Discuss its objectives.

What are the main features of the National Action Plan on Climate Change?

The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC): A Comprehensive Overview Introduction: India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), launched in 2008, is a comprehensive framework outlining the country’s strategy to address climate change. Unlike many international agreements focusing on emission reduction targets, the NAPCC adopts a more nuanced approach, emphasizing adaptation and mitigation … Read more What are the main features of the National Action Plan on Climate Change?

Describe the concept of Biosphere Reserve in the context of biodiversity conservation.

Biosphere Reserves: Safeguarding Biodiversity Introduction: Biodiversity, encompassing the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, is crucial for human well-being. Its decline poses significant threats to ecological stability and human livelihoods. Recognizing this, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established the Man and the Biosphere Programme … Read more Describe the concept of Biosphere Reserve in the context of biodiversity conservation.

Enlist various promotional themes of tourism in Himachal Pradesh.

Various Promotional Themes for Tourism in Himachal Pradesh Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a northern Indian state, is renowned for its breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse adventure activities. Tourism is a cornerstone of its economy, contributing significantly to employment and revenue generation. Effectively promoting Himachal Pradesh requires a multi-faceted approach, utilizing various themes that … Read more Enlist various promotional themes of tourism in Himachal Pradesh.

Describe the objectives of the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy 2021 in Himachal Pradesh.

The Objectives of Himachal Pradesh’s Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy 2021 Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a state in northern India known for its natural beauty and agricultural economy, recognizes the crucial role of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in driving sustainable and inclusive development. The state’s STI Policy 2021 aims to leverage STI to address … Read more Describe the objectives of the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy 2021 in Himachal Pradesh.

Describe the objectives and locations of major Hi-tech Habitats in Himachal Pradesh.

Hi-Tech Habitats in Himachal Pradesh: Objectives and Locations Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a state known for its natural beauty and tourism, is increasingly focusing on developing hi-tech habitats to boost economic growth and create employment opportunities. These habitats aim to leverage technology to improve various sectors, including agriculture, education, healthcare, and tourism. While a precise, officially … Read more Describe the objectives and locations of major Hi-tech Habitats in Himachal Pradesh.

Discuss the domain of services of the Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC).

The Domain of Services Offered by the Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC) Introduction: The Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC), established under the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), plays a crucial role in harnessing space technology for socio-economic development. AGISAC’s primary focus is on utilizing geospatial data and technologies derived from satellite imagery and … Read more Discuss the domain of services of the Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC).

Discuss the applications of remote sensing and GIS in mitigating flood risks.

Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Mitigating Flood Risks Introduction: Flooding, a devastating natural hazard, causes significant economic losses and human suffering globally. Effective flood risk mitigation requires accurate and timely information about flood-prone areas, water levels, and the extent of inundation. Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies provide powerful tools … Read more Discuss the applications of remote sensing and GIS in mitigating flood risks.