Describe India’s role in BRICS towards the growth of regional economic cooperation.

India’s Role in BRICS Towards the Growth of Regional Economic Cooperation Introduction: BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents a significant bloc of emerging economies. Established in 2009, its primary objective is to foster greater cooperation among its member states across various domains, including economic cooperation. India, with its large … Read more Describe India’s role in BRICS towards the growth of regional economic cooperation.

Critically examine major tenets of India’s Nuclear Policy.

A Critical Examination of India’s Nuclear Policy Introduction: India’s nuclear policy is a complex tapestry woven from national security concerns, technological advancements, and evolving geopolitical realities. Since its first nuclear test in 1974 (“Smiling Buddha”), India’s nuclear posture has undergone significant transformations, moving from a declared “no-first-use” policy to a more nuanced approach emphasizing credible … Read more Critically examine major tenets of India’s Nuclear Policy.

‘Women empowerment is still a distant dream, despite the several efforts made by the Himachal Pradesh Government for the upliftment of women.’ Do you agree with this statement?

Women Empowerment in Himachal Pradesh: A Distant Dream? Introduction: The statement “Women empowerment is still a distant dream, despite the several efforts made by the Himachal Pradesh Government for the upliftment of women” requires an analytical approach. It necessitates examining the progress made in women’s empowerment in Himachal Pradesh against the backdrop of existing challenges. … Read more ‘Women empowerment is still a distant dream, despite the several efforts made by the Himachal Pradesh Government for the upliftment of women.’ Do you agree with this statement?

Describe the ‘Head Power’ attributes of India’s foreign policy.

Describing the ‘Head Power’ Attributes of India’s Foreign Policy Introduction: India’s foreign policy, since independence, has been characterized by a complex interplay of factors, including its non-aligned past, its growing economic power, and its strategic geopolitical location. The concept of “Head Power” attributes refers to the aspects of a nation’s foreign policy that project its … Read more Describe the ‘Head Power’ attributes of India’s foreign policy.

Discuss India’s economic benefits with the development of infrastructure at Chabahar Port.

India’s Economic Benefits from Chabahar Port Development Introduction: Chabahar Port, located in southeastern Iran on the Gulf of Oman, holds significant strategic and economic importance for India. Its development represents a crucial element in India’s “Connect Central Asia” policy, aiming to bypass Pakistan and access Central Asian markets. The port’s significance is underscored by its … Read more Discuss India’s economic benefits with the development of infrastructure at Chabahar Port.

Discuss the efforts made by the Government of India for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Efforts of the Government of India for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Introduction: The Indian Constitution recognizes the historical injustices faced by Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) – formerly known as “untouchables” and “tribal communities” respectively – and mandates affirmative action to uplift them. Article 17 abolishes untouchability, while Articles … Read more Discuss the efforts made by the Government of India for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Describe the role of Praja Mandal in the freedom movement.

The Role of Praja Mandals in the Indian Freedom Movement Introduction: The Indian freedom struggle was a multifaceted movement, encompassing diverse strategies and actors. While the Indian National Congress (INC) spearheaded the national movement, regional movements played a crucial role in mobilizing the masses and challenging colonial rule at the grassroots level. Among these regional … Read more Describe the role of Praja Mandal in the freedom movement.

Describe the “Bhai do, na pai” movement of Himachal Pradesh.

The “Bhai Do, Na Pai” Movement in Himachal Pradesh: A Description Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a state known for its natural beauty and agrarian economy, has witnessed various social movements throughout its history. One such movement, “Bhai Do, Na Pai” (Give Brother, Don’t Steal), emerged as a grassroots initiative primarily focused on addressing issues of land … Read more Describe the “Bhai do, na pai” movement of Himachal Pradesh.

Describe the journey of Himachal Pradesh to become a democratic state.

The Journey of Himachal Pradesh to Statehood: A Democratic Odyssey Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a picturesque state nestled in the Himalayas, boasts a rich history and a unique path to achieving statehood. Its journey to becoming a democratic state wasn’t a linear progression but rather a complex interplay of socio-political movements, administrative reforms, and constitutional processes. … Read more Describe the journey of Himachal Pradesh to become a democratic state.

Describe India’s role in the Russia-Ukraine war.

India’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine War: A Balancing Act Introduction: The Russia-Ukraine war, initiated in February 2022, has significantly reshaped the global geopolitical landscape. India, a major global power with historical ties to Russia and burgeoning relations with the West, finds itself navigating a complex situation. Its response has been characterized by a delicate balancing … Read more Describe India’s role in the Russia-Ukraine war.