While defining the yellow revolution, explain the problems and strategies for edible oil development in India.

The Yellow Revolution in India: Edible Oil Development, Problems, and Strategies Introduction: The “Yellow Revolution” in India refers to the significant increase in the production of oilseeds and edible oils. Unlike the Green Revolution focused on cereals, the Yellow Revolution aimed to reduce India’s dependence on imported edible oils, a crucial component of the Indian … Read more While defining the yellow revolution, explain the problems and strategies for edible oil development in India.

Critically examine the gender dimension of the stratification system in Indian society. Do you think legal measures are enough for women empowerment, or do we need to also invest in social awareness campaigns?

A Critical Examination of Gender Stratification in India: Legal Measures vs. Social Awareness Introduction: India, despite its constitutional commitment to gender equality, continues to grapple with deeply entrenched gender stratification. This stratification manifests across various social, economic, and political spheres, creating significant disparities between men and women. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) consistently reveals … Read more Critically examine the gender dimension of the stratification system in Indian society. Do you think legal measures are enough for women empowerment, or do we need to also invest in social awareness campaigns?

Discuss the changing patterns of the marriage system among the tribes. Also, underline the reasons leading to these changes.

Changing Patterns of Marriage Systems Among Tribes: A Discussion Introduction: Marriage, a fundamental social institution, has undergone significant transformations across various tribal communities globally. While traditional tribal marriage systems often involved complex kinship structures, arranged marriages, and specific rituals, modern influences are rapidly altering these patterns. These changes are not uniform across all tribes, varying … Read more Discuss the changing patterns of the marriage system among the tribes. Also, underline the reasons leading to these changes.

How can depleting groundwater resources be made effective in urban areas of India?

How Can Depleting Groundwater Resources Be Made Effective in Urban Areas of India? Introduction: India faces a severe groundwater depletion crisis, particularly in its rapidly urbanizing areas. Over-extraction for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes, coupled with inadequate recharge mechanisms, has led to falling water tables across the country. The Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) reports … Read more How can depleting groundwater resources be made effective in urban areas of India?

How does the celebration of diversity of cultures help in achieving stronger unity? Explain it in the context of Indian society.

How Does the Celebration of Cultural Diversity Help Achieve Stronger Unity? (Indian Context) Introduction: India, a land often described as a “subcontinent,” boasts unparalleled cultural diversity. This diversity, manifested in a multitude of languages (over 120), religions (Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, and many more), cuisines, traditions, and art forms, is often seen as … Read more How does the celebration of diversity of cultures help in achieving stronger unity? Explain it in the context of Indian society.

Throw light on the significance of Ancient Jaina Literature.

The Significance of Ancient Jaina Literature Introduction: Ancient Jaina literature, a vast corpus of texts composed primarily in Prakrit languages between the 6th century BCE and the 1st century CE, holds immense significance for understanding not only Jainism itself but also the broader socio-cultural and intellectual landscape of ancient India. Unlike other religious traditions which … Read more Throw light on the significance of Ancient Jaina Literature.

Discuss the social contribution of Gopal Hari Deshmukh.

The Social Contribution of Gopal Hari Deshmukh: A Pioneer of Social Reform in 19th Century India Introduction: Gopal Hari Deshmukh (1823-1892), often referred to as Lokhitawadi (well-wisher of the people), was a prominent social reformer and journalist in 19th-century Maharashtra, India. His contributions extended beyond mere advocacy; he actively worked towards improving the lives of … Read more Discuss the social contribution of Gopal Hari Deshmukh.