‘The development of the tourism industry in Himachal Pradesh has generated multifold employment opportunities.’ Explain with examples from various geographical regions of the state.

The Multifold Employment Generation of Tourism in Himachal Pradesh Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a state in northern India renowned for its breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage, has witnessed a significant surge in tourism in recent decades. This growth has undeniably led to the creation of numerous employment opportunities across various sectors. While the … Read more ‘The development of the tourism industry in Himachal Pradesh has generated multifold employment opportunities.’ Explain with examples from various geographical regions of the state.

Why is gender a dimension of social stratification? How does gender intersect with other dimensions of inequality based on class, race, and ethnicity?

Why Gender is a Dimension of Social Stratification and its Intersection with Other Inequalities Introduction: Social stratification refers to a society’s hierarchical arrangement of individuals and groups based on various factors, creating distinct layers or strata. Gender, a socially constructed system of categorization based on perceived biological sex, is a fundamental dimension of this stratification. … Read more Why is gender a dimension of social stratification? How does gender intersect with other dimensions of inequality based on class, race, and ethnicity?

Define the term ‘Reet.’ Discuss the attitude of hill states towards the ‘Reet’ custom.

Reet: A Custom and the Attitudes of Hill States Introduction: “Reet” is a customary practice prevalent in several hill states of India, particularly in the Himalayan region. It refers to a system of customary law and governance, often operating alongside or sometimes in defiance of formal legal systems. While the specific practices vary across different … Read more Define the term ‘Reet.’ Discuss the attitude of hill states towards the ‘Reet’ custom.

Examine critically the major famines in India during the period 1858 to 1947 A.D. Also highlight the recommendations of the Major Famine Commissions during this period.

A Critical Examination of Major Famines in India (1858-1947) and the Recommendations of Famine Commissions Introduction: The period between 1858 and 1947 witnessed a series of devastating famines in India, significantly impacting the population and shaping the nation’s history. This period, coinciding with British rule, saw a complex interplay of factors contributing to these famines, … Read more Examine critically the major famines in India during the period 1858 to 1947 A.D. Also highlight the recommendations of the Major Famine Commissions during this period.

How do the rules of descent and kinship alliance differ from each other? Illustrate.

How Do the Rules of Descent and Kinship Alliance Differ From Each Other? Introduction: The concepts of descent and kinship alliance are fundamental to understanding social organization in various cultures. Descent refers to the socially recognized biological links between individuals, establishing who belongs to a particular group. Kinship alliance, on the other hand, focuses on … Read more How do the rules of descent and kinship alliance differ from each other? Illustrate.

Throw light on the emergence and growth of the early medieval state of Kangra.

The Emergence and Growth of the Early Medieval State of Kangra Introduction: The early medieval period in India (roughly 6th to 12th centuries CE) witnessed the rise and fall of numerous regional kingdoms. Among them, the state of Kangra, nestled in the Himalayas of present-day Himachal Pradesh, holds a significant place. Its strategic location, controlling … Read more Throw light on the emergence and growth of the early medieval state of Kangra.

Highlight the cultural heritage of Himachal Pradesh with special reference to popular temples.

Highlighting the Cultural Heritage of Himachal Pradesh: A Focus on Popular Temples Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the Himalayas, boasts a rich and diverse cultural heritage shaped by its geographical isolation and the confluence of various ethnic groups. This heritage is profoundly reflected in its numerous temples, which serve not only as places of worship … Read more Highlight the cultural heritage of Himachal Pradesh with special reference to popular temples.

Describe the changing morphology of rural settlements in India.

The Changing Morphology of Rural Settlements in India Introduction: The morphology of rural settlements in India, encompassing their spatial arrangement, size, and structure, is undergoing a significant transformation. Driven by factors like globalization, technological advancements, and government policies, these changes are complex and multifaceted, impacting social, economic, and environmental aspects of rural life. While traditional … Read more Describe the changing morphology of rural settlements in India.

Analyze the distribution of population in India with special reference to areas of very high and very low densities.

Analysis of Population Distribution in India: Areas of High and Low Density Introduction: India, the world’s second most populous nation, exhibits a highly uneven distribution of its population. While the overall population density is approximately 464 persons per square kilometer (2023 estimates), significant variations exist across different regions. This uneven distribution is a complex phenomenon … Read more Analyze the distribution of population in India with special reference to areas of very high and very low densities.

Discuss how fairs and festivals truly exhibit cultural heritage and tradition.

How Fairs and Festivals Exhibit Cultural Heritage and Tradition Introduction: Fairs and festivals, vibrant expressions of community life, serve as powerful vehicles for preserving and showcasing cultural heritage and tradition. They are not merely occasions for entertainment; they are dynamic, living repositories of a society’s history, beliefs, values, and artistic expressions. Anthropologist Margaret Mead famously … Read more Discuss how fairs and festivals truly exhibit cultural heritage and tradition.