Discuss the salient features of Biological Diversity Act, 2002.

Salient Features of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 Introduction: The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 (BDA), is a landmark legislation in India aimed at conserving biological diversity, sustainably using its components, and fairly sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources. India, a mega-biodiverse country, faces significant challenges in protecting its rich flora and … Read more Discuss the salient features of Biological Diversity Act, 2002.

What do you understand by inclusive growth? What are the major policy initiatives undertaken by Government of India for achieving inclusive growth?

Inclusive Growth: A Holistic Approach to Development in India Introduction: Inclusive growth, unlike traditional economic growth that focuses solely on GDP expansion, emphasizes the equitable distribution of the benefits of growth across all segments of society. It aims to ensure that the fruits of economic progress reach the marginalized and vulnerable populations, reducing inequality and … Read more What do you understand by inclusive growth? What are the major policy initiatives undertaken by Government of India for achieving inclusive growth?

Explain the main characteristics of Indian Economy as an emerging economy.

The Indian Economy: Characteristics of an Emerging Economy Introduction: India’s economy is widely classified as an emerging market, a term referring to a nation transitioning from a developing to a developed status. This transition is characterized by rapid economic growth, industrialization, and increasing integration into the global economy. While not without its challenges, India’s sheer … Read more Explain the main characteristics of Indian Economy as an emerging economy.

Give an account of the strategies for efficient use of irrigation water for sustainable agriculture practices.

Efficient Irrigation Water Use for Sustainable Agriculture: Strategies and Practices Introduction: Water scarcity is a growing global concern, significantly impacting agricultural productivity and food security. Agriculture accounts for a substantial portion of global freshwater withdrawals, often exceeding 70% in many regions. Efficient irrigation is therefore crucial for sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring food production without depleting … Read more Give an account of the strategies for efficient use of irrigation water for sustainable agriculture practices.

What are the objectives of Elementary Education policies of the H.P. Govt.?

Objectives of Himachal Pradesh Government’s Elementary Education Policies Introduction: Himachal Pradesh (HP), a state in northern India, has prioritized elementary education as a cornerstone of its development strategy. The state’s elementary education policies aim to achieve universalization of elementary education (UEE) and improve the quality of education provided. This involves not just increasing enrollment but … Read more What are the objectives of Elementary Education policies of the H.P. Govt.?

What is ‘Make in India’ initiative? Does this initiative have the potential to transform India’s Manufacturing Sector? Explain critically.

Make in India: A Critical Analysis of its Potential to Transform India’s Manufacturing Sector Introduction: The “Make in India” initiative, launched in 2014 by the Indian government, is a national program designed to boost domestic manufacturing and transform India into a global manufacturing hub. The initiative aims to increase the share of manufacturing in India’s … Read more What is ‘Make in India’ initiative? Does this initiative have the potential to transform India’s Manufacturing Sector? Explain critically.

How are farmers classified into various categories like marginal, small, medium, and large in H.P.?

Introduction: The classification of farmers in Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), like in other Indian states, is crucial for targeted government interventions and policy implementation aimed at agricultural development and farmer welfare. This classification primarily relies on the operational landholding size, although other factors like cropping pattern, irrigation access, and income might be considered in some specific … Read more How are farmers classified into various categories like marginal, small, medium, and large in H.P.?

What is H.P. Forest Eco-system Climate Proofing Project?

What is the H.P. Forest Ecosystem Climate Proofing Project? Introduction: The Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) Forest Ecosystem Climate Proofing Project is a significant initiative aimed at enhancing the resilience of the state’s forest ecosystems to the impacts of climate change. Himachal Pradesh, a mountainous state in India, is highly vulnerable to climate change effects, including altered … Read more What is H.P. Forest Eco-system Climate Proofing Project?

What major considerations have led the H.P. government to forgo the harnessing of nearly 3436 MW harnessable hydro power in the state?

What Major Considerations Have Led the H.P. Government to Forgo Harnessing Nearly 3436 MW of Harnessable Hydro Power in Himachal Pradesh? Introduction: Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), nestled in the Himalayas, possesses abundant hydropower potential. Estimates suggest a harnessable capacity exceeding 27,000 MW, yet only a fraction is currently utilized. The state government’s decision to forgo harnessing … Read more What major considerations have led the H.P. government to forgo the harnessing of nearly 3436 MW harnessable hydro power in the state?

What is the objective of the launch of South Asian Satellite by India?

The Objective of India’s South Asian Satellite Launch: A Multifaceted Approach Introduction: India launched the South Asia Satellite (SAS) in 2017, a geostationary communication satellite intended primarily to serve the South Asian region. This initiative, touted as a gift to its neighbours, marked a significant step in India’s space diplomacy and its broader foreign policy … Read more What is the objective of the launch of South Asian Satellite by India?