DMPQ- Highlight the Contribution of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III in the cultural growth of the Mysore

Krishna Raja Wodeyar III was responsible for the cultural growth of the Mysore. Krishna Raja Wodeyar III was himself a writer, having written the books on Kannada Language like Sritattvanidhi and Sougandhikaparinaya. Krishna Raja Wodeyar III also has a number of writers in his court who together contributed to the development of modern prose in … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the Contribution of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III in the cultural growth of the Mysore

DMPQ- How can we Preserve our Intangible Cultural Heritage? Give suggestive measures.

Arts strengthen cultural values. Formal theatrical performances, sculptures, paintings, music and food festivals, paintings, folk tales, songs, novels, poems, martial arts and crafts groups, all these should be encouraged. To be kept alive, intangible cultural heritage must remain relevant to a culture and be regularly practiced and learned within communities and between generations. The issue … Read more DMPQ- How can we Preserve our Intangible Cultural Heritage? Give suggestive measures.

DMPQ- Fa-Hien and Hiuen Tsang

Hiuen Tsang from China (629-645) One of the earliest and the most celebrated travelers to India, Hiuen Tsang came from China to India in search of Buddhist belief and practice. He has been described as the “prince of pilgrims” and his accounts carry a lot of information on the political, social and religious set up … Read more DMPQ- Fa-Hien and Hiuen Tsang

DMPQ- Alexander’s Invasion (327 BC)

After 2 centuries of Persian invasion, Alexander from Macedonia invaded India. Alexander conquered minor Asia along with Iraq & Iran and from Iran he marched into India Alexander conquered whole of Persia by defeating Darius 3 in battle of Arabela (330 BC). Herodotus, Father of history, wrote that fabulous wealth of India attracted Alexander & … Read more DMPQ- Alexander’s Invasion (327 BC)

DMPQ- Outline the involvement of Jawaharlal Nehru in the Non-Cooperation Movement

The first big involvement of Jawaharlal Nehru came at the onset of the noncooperation movement in 1920. Nehru joined in whole-heartedly in this Satyagraha based movement that stormed India. Nehru was arrested on charges of anti governmental activities and was released a few months later. In the rift formed within the Congress following the sudden … Read more DMPQ- Outline the involvement of Jawaharlal Nehru in the Non-Cooperation Movement

DMPQ-What were the main features of Government of India Act 1935?

The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 had brought a large scale discontentment among the people of India. The Non-Cooperation Movement launched by Gandhi had fanned the fire of this discontentment. In order to give some concession to Indians in the field of administration, the Government of India Act, 1935 was designed on the basis of the … Read more DMPQ-What were the main features of Government of India Act 1935?

DMPQ-What were the recommendations and Reaction of the All India Parties to Cabinet Mission

Cabinet Mission which arrived on 24th March 1946 was mainly aimed at devolution of power from the British crown to India giving India independence under Dominion Status in the Commonwealth of Nations. On 28th January 1946, the Viceroy, announced in the legislative Assembly, his intention to establish a new executive council with political leaders and … Read more DMPQ-What were the recommendations and Reaction of the All India Parties to Cabinet Mission