DMPQ: Give a classification of ocean deposits on the basis of sources.

Most important sorts of ocean deposits are: Terrigenous Deposits Body of water Deposits. There are loose sediments, deposited on the ocean bottom. These are ocean deposits. They vary from location to location. The study of ocean deposits is vital in beneath standing the rocks exposed on the earth’s surface that were once set under ocean. … Read more DMPQ: Give a classification of ocean deposits on the basis of sources.

DMPQ: What do you mean by Horse Latitudes ? Explain the location.

Horse latitudes or subtropical highs are subtropical latitudes between 30 and 35 degrees both north and south where Earth’s atmosphere Subscribe on YouTube is dominated by the subtropical high, an area of high pressure, which suppresses precipitation and cloud formation, and has variable winds mixed with calm winds. The consistently warm, dry, and sunny conditions … Read more DMPQ: What do you mean by Horse Latitudes ? Explain the location.

DMPQ: What are the ways via which effect of climate change can be mitigated on agriculture?

According to economic survey, In a year where temperatures are 1 degree Celsius higher farmer incomes would fall by 6.2 percent during the kharif season and 6 percent during rabi in unirrigated districts. Similarly, in a year when rainfall levels were 100 millimetres less than average, farmer incomes would fall by 15 percent during Join … Read more DMPQ: What are the ways via which effect of climate change can be mitigated on agriculture?

DMPQ: Give an account of the following a) Westerlies b) Horse latitudes c) Doldrums d) Jet streams

  Above the subtropical highs in the Northern Hemisphere, and below the subtropical highs in the Southern Hemisphere, winds blow from the west towards the east. These winds are thus called westerly winds, after the direction from whence the winds come. The westerlies generally blow between 30 ° and Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on … Read more DMPQ: Give an account of the following a) Westerlies b) Horse latitudes c) Doldrums d) Jet streams

DMPQ: Discuss the features of cool temperate eastern margin type of climate.

Geographical distribution: The cool temperate eastern margin climate is an intermediate type of climate between the British and the Siberian type of climate. It has features of both the maritime and continental type of climate. The laurentian type of climate is found only in two regions. One is north eastern North America and the other … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the features of cool temperate eastern margin type of climate.

Give an account on the geographical distribution of Atomic minerals in India.

Atomic minerals are the most important among non-fossil energy resources. They are found in the slate rocks of the pre-Cambrian (Archean Schist) and Dharwar periods in India. Uranium and Thorium are major minerals for the production of atomic energy. Uranium is mined directly Subscribe on YouTube whereas for thorium is obtained mainly from monazite and … Read more Give an account on the geographical distribution of Atomic minerals in India.

What are the factors that influence the location of an iron and steel industry?

Availability of raw material like iron ore, coal , limestone etc. An efficient transportation and infrastructure facility for import and export of finished goods. Availability of service sector , heavy funding is required and hence adequate availability of capital, Human capital for managerial roles Demand for iron and steel or the market has to Subscribe … Read more What are the factors that influence the location of an iron and steel industry?

What is coal bed methane? What is the problem in the extraction of coal bed methane?

Coal bed methane is found in the impermeable stone and is trapped in the coal seams. A significant portion of this gas remain as free gas in the joints and fractures of the coal seam.  Large quantities of gas are adsorbed on the internal surfaces of the micropores within the coal itself Coal bed methane … Read more What is coal bed methane? What is the problem in the extraction of coal bed methane?