DMPQ: What are the challenges faced by the fisheries sector in India?

The sector suffers from low-scale, stagnating yields of inland and freshwater aquaculture, and poor infrastructure such as cold storage facilities, leading to an estimated 15-20 per cent post-harvest loss. The access to quality seed and feed for fish farming coupled with inadequate availability of credit makes the poor fisher communities not to Subscribe on YouTube … Read more DMPQ: What are the challenges faced by the fisheries sector in India?

DMPQ: What are the challenges faced by the fisheries sector in India?

The sector suffers from low-scale, stagnating yields of inland and freshwater aquaculture, and poor infrastructure such as cold storage facilities, leading to an estimated 15-20 per cent post-harvest loss. The access to quality seed and feed for fish farming coupled with inadequate availability of credit Subscribe on YouTube makes the poor fisher communities not to … Read more DMPQ: What are the challenges faced by the fisheries sector in India?

DMPQ: Give a overview of the fisheries sector in India.

Constituting about 6.3% of the global fish production, the sector contributes to 1.1% of the GDP and 5.15% of the agricultural GDP.  There are two branches of fishery sector namely Inland Fisheries and Marine Fisheries. The Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube total fish production has nearly 65% contribution from the inland sector and … Read more DMPQ: Give a overview of the fisheries sector in India.

DMPQ: What is upwelling? Explain with an example. (GEOGRAPHY)

: Winds blowing across the ocean surface push water away. Water then rises up from beneath the surface to replace the water that was pushed away. This process is known as “upwelling.”   Upwelling occurs in the open ocean and along coastlines. The reverse process, called “downwelling,” also occurs when wind causes surface water to … Read more DMPQ: What is upwelling? Explain with an example. (GEOGRAPHY)

DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.

Tides are great bulges of water caused by the gravity of the moon and the sun. Attracted by gravity, these bulges move around the earth’s ocean, causing water level to rise and fall. There are two main tides that are higher or lower than average. They occur twice monthly and are called neap and spring … Read more DMPQ: What are tides? How they are generated ? Explain different types of tide.