DMPQ:What are Grasslands? Name some of the grasslands of world and mention the importance of grasslands.

Grasslands are areas dominated by grasses. They occupy about 20% of theland on the earth surface. Grasslands occur in both in tropical and Subscribe on YouTube temperate regions whererainfall is not enough to support the growth of trees. Grasslands are known by variousnames in different parts of the world.Grasslands are found in areas having well … Read more DMPQ:What are Grasslands? Name some of the grasslands of world and mention the importance of grasslands.

DMPQ:What is Sustainable Agriculture system? What are its components?

A farming systems that are “capable of maintaining their productivity and usefulness to society indefinitely and must be resource-conserving, socially supportive, commercially competitive,and environmentally sound.” Major Subscribe on YouTube components of sustainable agricultural system Soil and water conservation to prevent degradation of soil productivity Efficient use of limited irrigation water without leading to problems of … Read more DMPQ:What is Sustainable Agriculture system? What are its components?

DMPQ-Outline the cultural model of conservation of different tribes in India.

  Bishnoi Tribe of Rajasthan: Bishnois consider treesas sacred and protect the entire ecosystemincluding animals and birds that exists in theirvillages. Tribe has organized their own Tiger Forcewhich is a brigade of youth actively pursue wildlifeprotection. Chenchu Tribe of Andhra Pradesh: They areinvolved in tiger conservation at Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve (NSTR). Maldhari Tribe in … Read more DMPQ-Outline the cultural model of conservation of different tribes in India.

DMPQ- Differentiate between the sugar industry of the northern and peninsular India.

A brief description of differences between the sugar industry of the northern and peninsular India is given below: Peninsular India has tropical climate which gives higher yield per unit area as compared to north India. The sucrose content is also higher in tropical variety of sugarcane in the south. The crushing season is also much … Read more DMPQ- Differentiate between the sugar industry of the northern and peninsular India.