Panchayat Financing And Devolution

 Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution Sources of Funds The Amendments left important matters such as implementation, service delivery (including local capacity building) and transfer of responsibilities and powers Subscribe on YouTube to rural local bodies at the discretion of the state legislatures. Consequently, while expenditure responsibilities of local bodies are extensively enhanced, there … Read more Panchayat Financing And Devolution

Foreign Exchange

   is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one currency into another currency. also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. transactions encompass everything from the conversion of currencies by a traveler at an airport kiosk to billion-dollar payments made by corporations, financial … Read more Foreign Exchange

Regional Imbalances And Income Inequalitiies In India

 : Steps taken by the Government to reduce it. Regional imbalance is the disparity in economic and social development of two regions. One region/city/area is stronger than another region/city/area. Regions develop when investments are made to set up industries, service sectors, educational institutions, health care facilities etc. Income inequality is the unequal distribution of household or individual income across the … Read more Regional Imbalances And Income Inequalitiies In India

Regional Imbalances And Income Inequalitiies In India

 : Steps taken by the Government to reduce it. Regional imbalance is the disparity in economic and social development of two regions. One region/city/area is stronger than another region/city/area. Regions develop when investments are made to set up industries, service sectors, educational institutions, health care facilities etc. Income inequality is the unequal distribution of household or individual income across the … Read more Regional Imbalances And Income Inequalitiies In India

Structural Changes In The Indian Economy

 Change in composition of domestic product or change in national income by industry of origin refers to change in relative significance (share) of different sectors of the economy. Generally, an economy is divided into three major sectors viz. primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Primary sector includes agricultural and allied activities, secondary sector includes manufacturing … Read more Structural Changes In The Indian Economy

Administered Prices

 ADMINISTERED PRICES INCLUDING MSP AND PROCUREMENT PRICES Historical context The emergence of agricultural Price Policy in India was in the backdrop of food scarcity and price fluctuations provoked by drought, floods and international prices for exports and imports. This policy in general was directed towards ensuring reasonable food prices for consumers by providing food … Read more Administered Prices

Foreign Exchange

   is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one currency into another currency. also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. transactions encompass everything from the conversion of currencies by a traveler at an airport kiosk to billion-dollar payments made by corporations, financial … Read more Foreign Exchange

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