Various policies framed by the Government of Himachal Pradesh for the socioeconomic development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the State

Various policies framed by the Government of Himachal Pradesh for the socioeconomic development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the State

Scheduled Castes Sub Plan

The Govt for the first time formulated a Special Component Plan (SCP) in 1979-80 now renamed as Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) for the Scheduled Castes as part of the State Plan. The Scheduled Caste Sub Plan is specifically designed to channelize the flow of benefits and outlays from the general sector in the state plan and from the union ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for the development of Scheduled Caste in physical as well as financial terms. The Scheduled Caste Sub Plan is designed to help poor Scheduled Caste families through composite income generating programmes. The sub plan seeks to improve the living conditions of Scheduled Castes through provision of drinking water supply, link roads, house site, establishment of educational, health, veterinary institutions etc. The sub plan process includes identification, formulation and implementation of schemes/programmes under different sector for the economic amelioration of persons belonging to those communities. Outlays were specifically earmarked in the state plan besides supplementations by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India by way of Special Central Assistance. While the Tribal Sub Plan is area based and the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan directly benefits the individuals/families and infrastructural facilities in the habitation where Scheduled Caste concentration is 40% or more.

Himachal pradesh scheduled castes and scheduled tribes development corporation

The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has open Himachal Pradesh Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development corporation in every District Headquarter of Himachal Pradesh. In Distt. Kinnaur has also the Office of the Distt. Manager of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation Kinnaur at Reckong Peo. The Location of this office is Near I.T.I. ( Industrial Training Institute) and back side of HP Electricity Board Sub Division Reckong Peo.  Himachal Pradesh Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation was established on 14th November, 1979 under the enactment of Himachal Pradesh Government. Initially this corporation was established solely to uplift economic status of the Scheduled Caste families and the initial name of this corporation was “HIMACHAL PRADESH SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION”. In the year 1984 the Government of Himachal Pradesh and Government of India decided to entrust the work of providing financial assistance to Scheduled Tribe families of Himachal Pradesh to this corporation, as such the nomenclature of corporation was changed to “HIMACHAL PRADESH SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHUDULED TRIBES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION”.

Himswablamban yojna

Under the Him Swablamban Yojana, the Corporation provides assistance to the Scheduled Caste families whose family income is below the poverty line. The artisans are required to form a group/society or association of availing working capital assistance from the corporation.

These loans are provided for purchase of various types of transport vehicles, agricultural implements, dairy farming, hotel-dabba, guest house and cottage and small scale industries. The loan for the project cost of which does not exceed `. 5.00 lakh is provided at the rate of 6% and the loan, the project cost of which exceeds `. 5.00 lakh, is made available @8% interest.

The NSFDC provides upto 85% of the project cost as loan depending upon the nature of the project. HP SC/ST Development Corporation advance upto 10% of the project cost as Margin Money and the lonee is required to contribute only upto 5% of the cost as margin. During the year 2011-12 this Corporation has fixed a target of assisting 30 Scheduled Castes families under this scheme. The Corporation proposes to cover 150 SC families during the 12th Five-Year Plan for which provision of ` 75.00 lakh has been proposed. In the year 2012-13 the Corporation proposes to cover 30 Scheduled Castes families under this scheme for which an amount of ` 15.00 lakh will be spent as margin money Loan by the Corporation.


Interest Free Study Loan for higher studies

This scheme was started in the year 1992-93. The Corporation provides Interest Free Study Loan for post matric specified and approved technical degree, diploma and certificate courses. The loan is given to such SC students who seek admission for the approved course and whose family income is below ` 1,00,000/- per annum. The maximum loan limit is ` 2,50,000/- for whole of the course, ` 75,000/- is free of interest and amount exceeding ` 75,000/- upto ` 2.50 lakhs is made available are 4% simple interest.

Dalit Varg Vaivsaik Prashikshan Yojana

Under the Dalit Varg Vaivsaik Prashikshan Yojana, the Corporation provides training to the unemployed SC youths in various employment oriented trades. During the training, the trainees are eligible to get stipend ranging between `500/- to 750/- per month and cost of training is also borne by the Corporation. After the training the Corporation ensures that either the trainee gets employment in Public or Private Sector or is rehabilitated by providing financial assistance from the Corporation under its various Self Employment Schemes. The estimated cost of training, per candidate including stipend etc. comes to `10,000 per annum, per candidate. During 2012-13 the Corporation will assists 300 SC youths under the scheme. This scheme is funded out of Special Central Assistance.

Ambedkar Laghu Rin Yojna (Micro Credit Finance Scheme)

The Corporation has started a new scheme i.e. Laghu Ambedkar Rin Yojna (Micro Credit Finance Scheme) is collaboration with National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC). Under this scheme, the Corporation provides assistance to scheduled castes families upto the project of ` 30,000/- per unit for Self-Employment income generating schemes. The Corporation provides Capital Subsidy @ ` 10,000/- per family and rest of the finance is made available from NSFDC. A target of assisting 200 families has been proposed the year 2012-13 under the scheme with a provision of ` 20.00 lakhs.



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