Theories of public administration.

Theories of Public Administration Public Administration is an aspect of a more generic concept of administration. Public Administration houses the implementation of government policy and an academic discipline that studies this implementation and that prepares civil servants for this work. Some of the various definitions which have been offered for them are: the management of … Read more Theories of public administration.

Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility and delegation.

Power Power, in the context of politics, can be defined as the ability to get others to do things even when they might not want to. Power can operate through persuasion, so that people cooperate willingly and freely, on the basis of reasons they accept (which may include incentives that are offered for cooperation); or … Read more Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility and delegation.

 INTELLIGENCE (Type of Intelligence)

Intelligence(Cognitive; Emotional; Social; Cultural; Multiple) Cognitive Intelligence Cognition: Mentally processing information (images, concepts, etc.); thinking Intelligence: It is the ability to process data into more efficient systems by acquiring learned substantive mental methods which develops into cognitive ability. Cognitive intelligence is the ability to plan, reason, and use logical deduction to solve problems, but also … Read more  INTELLIGENCE (Type of Intelligence)

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence

  Howard Gardner initially formulated a list of seven intelligences. His listing was provisional. The first two have been typically valued in schools; the next three are usually associated with the arts; and the final two are what Howard Gardner called ‘personal intelligences.’ Today there are nine intelligences and the possibility of others may eventually … Read more Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence


BEHAVIOR- PERSONALITY THEORIES What is Personality :- It is a stable set of internal characteristics and tendencies that determines the psychological behavior of people. It is particular pattern of behaviour and thinking that prevail across time and contexts and differentiates one person from other. In simple terms “Personality is an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, … Read more BEHAVIOR- PERSONALITY THEORIES


BEHAVIOR- PERSONALITY THEORIES What is Personality :- It is a stable set of internal characteristics and tendencies that determines the psychological behavior of people. It is particular pattern of behaviour and thinking that prevail across time and contexts and differentiates one person from other. In simple terms “Personality is an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, … Read more BEHAVIOR- PERSONALITY THEORIES

Styles of learning, Models of memory, Causes of forgetting.

  Style of Learning Learning styles are the different ways people interpret, organize and represent information. For example, some people learn best by having information presented to them in audio form, such as in a classroom lecture or audio book. Others need hands-on experience or real-world contexts to fully grasp a new concept. There are … Read more Styles of learning, Models of memory, Causes of forgetting.

Meeting Life Challenges: Stress: Nature, type, Sources, Symptoms, Effects, Stress Management, Promotion of Positive health and well being.

  Stress: – The pattern of responses an organism makes to stimulus event that disturbs the equilibrium and exceeds a person’s ability to cope. NATURE OF STRESS Stress is not a factor that resides in the individual or the environment, instead it is embedded in an ongoing process that involves individuals transacting with their social … Read more Meeting Life Challenges: Stress: Nature, type, Sources, Symptoms, Effects, Stress Management, Promotion of Positive health and well being.

Concepts of Law: Ownership and possession, Personality, Liability, Rights and Duties.

CONCEPTS OF LAW: OWNERSHIP The idea of ownership developed by slow degrees with the growth of civilization. So long as the people were wandering from Join Our Telegram Channel place to place and had no settled place of residence, they had no sense of ownership. The idea began to grow when they started planting trees, … Read more Concepts of Law: Ownership and possession, Personality, Liability, Rights and Duties.

Contemporary Legal issues: Right to information, Information technology law including cyber laws (concepts, purpose, prospects), Intellectual Property Rights (concepts, types, purpose, prospects)

Contemporary Legal issues: Right to information India always took pride in being the largest democracy, but with the passing of the Right to Information Act in 2005, it has also become an accountable, interactive and participatory democracy. This right has catapulted the Indian citizen on a pedestal from where he can take stock of administrative … Read more Contemporary Legal issues: Right to information, Information technology law including cyber laws (concepts, purpose, prospects), Intellectual Property Rights (concepts, types, purpose, prospects)

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