Question:Machineries in an industry are an example of
>>>Working Capital
>>>Fixed Capital
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6.3-42 24.9-48.3 48.6-11.4 42.9-11.4 132.3-11.4 132.3s0 89.4 11.4 132.3c6.3 23.7 24.8 41.5 48.3 47.8C117.2 448 288 448 288 448s170.8 0 213.4-11.5c23.5-6.3 42-24.2 48.3-47.8 11.4-42.9 11.4-132.3 11.4-132.3s0-89.4-11.4-132.3zm-317.5 213.5V175.2l142.7 81.2-142.7 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube
/> >>>Financial Capital
>>>Production Capital

Question:Finished goods in an industry are an example of
>>>Working Capital
>>>Fixed Capital
>>>Financial Capital
>>>Production Capital

Question:Money invested by a venture capitalist in an industry is an example of
>>>Working Capital
>>>Fixed Capital
>>>Financial Capital
>>>Production Capital

Question:Total market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period in a country is known as

Question:Current year production of goods and services valued at current year price is known as
>>>Nominal GDP
>>>Real GDP
>>>Nominal GNP
>>>Real GNP

Question:Current year production of goods and services valued at base year price is known as
>>>Nominal GDP
>>>Real GDP
>>>Nominal GNP
>>>Real GNP

Question:Factor cost includes
>>>indirect taxes but exclude subsidies
>>>subsidies but excludes indirect taxes
>>>includes both indirect taxes and subsidies
>>>excludes both indirect taxes and subsidies

Question:Scholerships and pensions are an example of
>>>Factor Payment
>>>Transfer Payment
>>>Inflated Payment

Question:Which of the following is not an aproach of estimating GDP/GNP

Question:GDP at current prices is …..lakh crore for the year 2019 acording to budget

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