DMPQ- Write an essay on the steps taken in landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation.

Government of India has been conserving snow leopard and its habitat through the Project Snow Leopard (PSL). The PSL was launched in 2009. Government is committed to landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation, and implementing participatory landscape-based management plans involving local stakeholders, the. The Minister said, India is also party to the Global Snow … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on the steps taken in landscape restoration for snow leopard habitat conservation.

DMPQ- Write a short note on Global environment facility.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established on the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems. Since then, the GEF has provided close to $20.5 billion in grants and mobilized an additional $112 billion in co-financing for more than 4,800 projects in 170 countries.                The GEF provides funding to assist developing countries in … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on Global environment facility.

DMPQ- What are the major findings in Indian status of Forest report?

Major findings are as follows: Area-wise Madhya Subscribe on YouTube Pradesh has the largest forest Join Our Telegram Channel cover in the country followed by Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra. In terms of forest cover as percentage of total geographical area, the top five States are Mizoram (85.41%), Arunachal Pradesh (79.63%), Meghalaya (76.33%), Manipur … Read more DMPQ- What are the major findings in Indian status of Forest report?

DMPQ- Basel , Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.

Basel Convention: The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was adopted on 22 March 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Basel, Switzerland, in response to a public outcry following the discovery, in the 1980s, in Africa and other parts of the developing world of deposits of … Read more DMPQ- Basel , Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.

DMPQ- What are the major components of a rainwater harvesting system ?

The major components of a rainwater harvesting system are as follows:  Collection system: Roof surface and gutters to capture the rainwater and send it to the storage system  Inlet filter: Screen filter to catch large debris  First flush diverter: Diverter that removes debris not captured by the inlet filter from the initial … Read more DMPQ- What are the major components of a rainwater harvesting system ?

DMPQ- What is CSCAF 2.0?

Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF 2.0) and Streets for People Challenge is for providing Roadmap for cities towards Combating Climate Change while planning / implementing their actions including investments CSCAF initiative intends to inculcate Climate-Sensitive Approach to Urban Planning and Development Framework with 28 indicators across five categories developed after review of Global Frameworks/ … Read more DMPQ- What is CSCAF 2.0?

DMPQ- Explain the Long term effect on environment of the Mines.

All mines are temporary structures. They can remain active for many years, but they will eventually run out of minerals and cease operations. This does not automatically mean that the environment and wildlife will no longer suffer. Responsible owners would backfill the underground mine. However, not all mine operators would resort to this option because … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Long term effect on environment of the Mines.

DMPQ- Ethanol production is environment firiendly and also save foriegn exchange. Justify.

Ethanol is a green fuel and its blending with petrol also saves foreign Subscribe Join Our Telegram Channel on YouTube exchange Government has 10% blending target for mixing ethanol with petrol by 2022 & 20% blending target by 2030 The liquid biofuel in greatest production is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), which is made by fermenting starch … Read more DMPQ- Ethanol production is environment firiendly and also save foriegn exchange. Justify.

DMPQ- ‘Harit Path’ mobile app can ensure in a suistanable developement of Highways in India. Justify.

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), a public sector undertaking under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, has developed a Subscribe on YouTube mobile App called ‘Harit Path’ to monitor location, growth, species details, maintenance activities, targets and achievements of each of its field units for each Join Our Telegram Channel and every … Read more DMPQ- ‘Harit Path’ mobile app can ensure in a suistanable developement of Highways in India. Justify.

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