Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

Development of non-conventional sources of energy is of prime importance for the sustainable and inclusive growth in the state. Conventional energy resources are depleting at an accelerated rate and non-conventional resources could play a leading role in energy security in the state. Non-Conventional energy resources could minimise the transmission cost and energy divide between the … Read more Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

Development of non-conventional sources of energy is of prime importance for the sustainable and inclusive growth in the state. Conventional energy resources are depleting at an accelerated rate and non-conventional resources could play a leading role in energy security in the state. Non-Conventional energy resources could minimise the transmission cost and energy divide Join Our … Read more Non-conventional Energy Resources of Rajasthan- for RAS RTS Exams

Emerging World Order in the Post Cold War Era- For Ras rts mains examination of RPSC

Its a new topic included in Ras Rts Mains examination of Rps and ras free notes team has provided with the detailed notes for the said topic and please subscribe for sure shot success in ras examination. The end of the Cold War in the early 1990s has had a dual impact on international relations. … Read more Emerging World Order in the Post Cold War Era- For Ras rts mains examination of RPSC

International Affair and Indian Foreign Policy.- for RAS RTS Mains exam of rpsc

India’s foreign policy is fundamentally based on the principles of peaceful co-existence, friendship and co-operation among all the countries of the world irrespective of their political systems. The foreign policy is aimed at promoting international peace and security and maintaining good and friendly relations with all the countries of the world. India, which was a … Read more International Affair and Indian Foreign Policy.- for RAS RTS Mains exam of rpsc

Concept of Money Supply and High Powered Money:-For RAS/RTS Exams

Money supply is the entire stock of currency and other liquid instruments in a country’s economy as of a particular time. The money supply can include cash, coins and balances held in checking and savings accounts. Money Supply can be estimated as narrow or broad money. There are four measures of money supply in India … Read more Concept of Money Supply and High Powered Money:-For RAS/RTS Exams

Ebola Virus Disease- Human Health

It is also known Join Our Telegram Channel as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. It is a severe acute viral illness which during an outbreak cause the fatality rate can go upto 90%. The first confirmed Ebola Virus Disease in human was reported in 1976 at Democratic Republic of Congo. Transmission of Ebola Virus Disease Ebola is introduced into the human population through close … Read more Ebola Virus Disease- Human Health

Immunity and Vaccination for Ras/RTS Mains Exam

Immunity is disease resistance and is of following two types:- Natural or Innate Immunity:- It is present from birth and is inherited from birth by the offspring from the mother.In this form of immunity the response from the organism against the pathogen is immediate in the form of non-specific immune response without the need of recognizing the … Read more Immunity and Vaccination for Ras/RTS Mains Exam

Blood and Related Diseases for Ras RTS

Blood consists of Plasma 55% and formed elements that is blood cells(Erythrocytes,Levcocytes and Thrombocytes) Plasma consists of (water 90% +proteins 8% +inorganic salts such as Sodium ,Potassium, calcium and magnesium + food substances like glucose and amino acid) Formed elements of blood cells are red blood cells or Erythrocytes, white blood cells or Levcocytes and  platelets … Read more Blood and Related Diseases for Ras RTS

Drugs and Their Patenting-Human Health- For RAS/RTS Mains

Intellectual property:- is regarded as creation of mind in the form of patents for invention or copyright for literary and Art works in the form of Trademark and geography  indicators. copyright:- includes nobles, poems ,films, musical work, artistic work such as drawing, painting, Photograph structural Trademark :– it is a distinctive sign which is identified with certain goods or services as … Read more Drugs and Their Patenting-Human Health- For RAS/RTS Mains

Technology Related Issues Regarding Intellectual Property Right.

Novratis vs Union of India case Cognizant of patenting practice:- Parliament introduces a significant and important provision to prevent evergreening and granting of frivolous patent under section 3D of Indian Patent Act. Section 3D of Patent Act stated the protection of Indian Masses in the Indian patent law,  it disallowed patenting of new forms of … Read more Technology Related Issues Regarding Intellectual Property Right.

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