10-05-23 Daily-Himachal Pradesh-HPPSC Current Affairs

Himachal Pradesh Affairs

Himachal: My CM-My Pride initiative launched

Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu launched the My CM-My Pride initiative, which enables any individual to download his photo clicked with the CM.

Sukhu said it signified the state governments commitment to utilising technological advancements to establish a stronger connection with the public. We are firm on incorporating technology to bring to their functioning, he added.

National and International Affairs

Kerala Becomes Indias First Fully E-Governed State, Achieving Total E-Governance

Kerala, the southern state of India, is set to make HISTORY by declaring itself as the countrys first total e-governed state. Building upon its reputation as the first fully-literate state inIndia, Kerala has achieved this milestone through a series of policy initiatives aimed at transforming the state into a digitally-empowered Society. With a focus on a knowledge-based economy and 100% digital Literacy, the government has digitized the delivery of vital Services across various domains, ensuring transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility for all citizens.

Decades after attaining full literacy, Kerala embarked on a journey to become a fullye-literate society.Recognizing the potential of digital technologies to enhance Governance and delivery, the State Government launched several initiatives to achieve total e-governance. The vision for transparent and speedy service delivery to all citizens has been a key driving force behind these efforts.

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