DMPQ- ODISSA school of Architecture.

Architecture in Odisha found its supreme expression in the form of temples, some of which are among, finest in the country.

o Of these, three are most famous the Lingaraja temple at Bhubaneswar (11th century), the Jagannath Temple at Puri (12th century) and the great Sun Temple at Konark (13th century). These three cities form

the “Golden Triangle” of Odishan Temple Architecture.

o These mark the culmination of a distinct style of architecture called the Kalinga style remarkable

in its plan elevation and details of decoration.

o While the main temple, called Vimana or Deula, is the sanctum enshrining the deity the porch  or

assembly hall called Jagamohana is the place for the congregation of devotees.

o Rekha, Pidha & Khakhara are three types of Deula.

o The Kalinga style reached its perfection during the Ganga period when two more structures were added to the front of the two-part temple in order to meet the needs of the elaborate rituals; these are the natamandira (dancing hall) and the bhogamandapa (hall of offerings).


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