DMPQ- What are Landslides and the causes of landslides? Map the Landslides prone area in India.

Landslide is defined as the movement of mass of rock, debris or earth down a slope under the direct influence of gravity. It’s a natural disaster which takes place because of both natural and anthropogenic factors. Being at a great height,h imalyan region is quite prone to this disaster.

Natural Factors

Intensive rainfall : rainy water can lubricates the soil. Percolation of water within soil makes lubricated matter to slips off from the parent

body and moves downward by the force of gravity.

Earthquake: Tremors

generated by the earthquake Disturb the underlying surface of hill.

Plate tectonic: Himalyan ranges are situated at the convergence zone of two lithospheric plates i.e indian plate in South and euroasian plate in North. that’s why the height of Himalayas is also increasing which ultimately makes it prone to landslides.
Snow thawing: in summers when snow melts over these ranges it directly causes the more percolation of water within the underlying surface of hill.
Sedimentary Rock effect: large portion of Himalayas is made up of sedimentary Rock which is more fragile.

Activities like mining, construction of roads and dams.
construction of buildings for tourism purposes . These above activities can disrupt the underlying structure and composition of the rock.
Deforestation is also the main cause of the landslides in this region.
Shifting cultivation also adversely affects the natural balance of this region.
Impacts of landslides: landslides cause the huge loss of the property and the people of the region.


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