DMPQ- Agroecology is a boon to small and marginal farmers. Comment

Small farming systems not only have fed much of the world population for centuries and continue to feed people in many parts of the planet, especially in developing countries, but also have the potential to bring solutions to many uncertainties facing humanity in a peak oil era of global climate change and financial crisis. Recent research has demonstrated that small diverse farms are more resilient to droughts and hurricanes. Undoubtedly, the ensemble of traditional crop management practices used by many resource-poor farmers represent a rich resource for agroecologists seeking to create novel agroecosystems well adapted to the local agroecological and socioeconomic circumstances of smallholders. Agroecologists recognize and value local wisdom and traditions, creating a dialogue with local actors via participatory research that leads to a constant creation of new knowledge.

A major goal of agroecology is the revitalization of peasant and small family farms and the reshaping of the entire agricultural policy and food system in ways

that are economically viable and socially just to farmers and consumers. New approaches and technologies involving application of blended agroecological science and indigenous knowledge systems and spearheaded by thousands of farmers, NGOs, and some government and academic institutions are proving to enhance food security while conserving agrobiodiversity soil and water resources conservation throughout hundreds of rural communities in the developing world.

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