DMPQ: What is secularism? How Indian concept of secularism is different from western form of secularism? ( sociology)

The word secularism was earlier used in negative sense. With increase of the rationality and intellectualness its meaning and reference both changed altogether. Western concept of secularism means complete separation of religion and state.

Indian form of secularism is different. It means equal respect for all the religion. This form was in accordance to the need of the society as our society is multireligious. Equal respect for all the religion clearly define our form for religion. The word secularism was added by the 42nd amendment act of the constitution.

Reason for variation of concept:

  1. There is exemption on giving religious teaching on the name of moral education.
  2. The state provides economic aid to different minority institutes and minority groups.
  3. Lack of uniform civil code in our country. Existence of different laws in between people of different religion.
  4. The system of reservation is also based on religious factor.




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