- A child is permitted to work only to help family, in family enterprise or as child artistafter school hours or during vacations.
- The amendment has introduced the concept of adolescent labour for the first time.
- An adolescent has been defined as a person between the ages of 14-18 years.
- The amendment permit employment of adolescent labour except in hazardousprocesses or occupation.
- The offences under the Act have now been made compoundable and cognizablenotwithstanding the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code.
- The CL Act provides for rehabilitation of children and adolescent who have beenvictims under the provisions of the CL Act.
- It provides for setting up of the Child and Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund inwhich all the amounts of penalty have to be realised.
- Liability has been affixed upon the parents and guardian of the affectedchild/children separately from the employers.
- The Act provides for increased penalty and imprisonment which shall not be lessthan 6 months and may extend upto 2 years and fine which may vary between Rs.20, 000 576 512"> Subscribe on YouTube
DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?
- Previously, the violations under the CL Act were punishable with imprisonment ofnot less than three months which could extend to one year or/and with fine of tenthousand rupees which could extend to twenty thousand rupees