DMPQ: What is social forestry? What are its advantages?

Social Forestry

means the management and protection of forests as well as afforestation of barren lands with purpose of helping in the environmental, Social and rural development. Social forestry is forestry for community development. Thus, it is people oriented, value based management of forests with a major objective of satisfying the needs, wants and aspirations of both the people and the government.


Ecological Importance:

  • Foster ecological balance
  • Efficient conservation of water and soil
  • Utilised wasteland and degraded land
  • Reduce pressure on natural forest


Economic Importance:

  • Meet the local need for firewood, timber,bamboo, fuel and fodder
  • Provide employment opportunities
  • Help to increase in the level of farm incomes.


Social Importance:

  • Development of local cottage industries
  • All around rural development
  • Provide stabilisation in agricultural production

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