DMPQ: . Interlinking of rivers is seen as a viable option to address the issue of water scarcity. Do you think interlinking of rivers is a full proof solution? (ENVT.)

Negatives of Interlinking of rivers:

  1. This entails environmental cost. Interlinking would destroy water bodies as each river has unique flora and fauna based on its ecology. 512"> Subscribe on YouTube
Mixing of waters will adversely affect this uniqueness, producing unforeseen consequences.
  • Interlinking will lead to submergence of forest. This will worsen climate change. Forest, which act as carbon sinks get submerged.
  • It will affect the cultural and social life of the people dependent on the river. Interlinking will impact the flow of the river and the local ecology
  • It will also entails the rehabilitation cost. The tribals will be mostly affected because of the developmental projects. According to a study, in 95% of the cases the tribals are mostly affected.
  • Large hydropowers are no more seen as a viable option as cost of electricity generated is high. According to a report by CAG, the flood preventing feature is not full proof for big dams.

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