Write a note on the concept and principles of organic farming.

A Note on the Concept and Principles of Organic Farming Introduction: Organic farming is an agricultural system that aims to produce food and fiber without the use of synthetic inputs such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Instead, it relies on ecological principles, such as biodiversity, nutrient cycling, and natural pest control, … Read more Write a note on the concept and principles of organic farming.

Describe the objectives and status of the digitization of land records in Himachal Pradesh.

Digitization of Land Records in Himachal Pradesh: Objectives, Status, and Way Forward Introduction: Land records digitization is a crucial step towards transparent and efficient land governance. It involves converting physical land records – often handwritten and scattered across various offices – into a digital format, accessible through a centralized system. This process aims to improve … Read more Describe the objectives and status of the digitization of land records in Himachal Pradesh.

What is PQLI? Explain its indicators and computation.

What is PQLI? Explain its indicators and computation. Introduction: The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite index of development that was created in the late 1970s by Morris David Morris. Unlike the more complex and multifaceted Human Development Index (HDI) that came later, PQLI aimed to provide a simpler, more easily understood … Read more What is PQLI? Explain its indicators and computation.

Describe the potential and limitations of hydropower development in India.

The Potential and Limitations of Hydropower Development in India Introduction: India, with its diverse geography and abundant water resources, possesses significant hydropower potential. Hydropower, a renewable energy source, harnesses the energy of flowing water to generate electricity. The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) estimates India’s total hydropower potential at around 148.7 GW, of which only … Read more Describe the potential and limitations of hydropower development in India.

Discuss the initiatives of the Himachal Pradesh Government for carbon-positive and environmentally sustainable watersheds.

Himachal Pradesh Government Initiatives for Carbon-Positive and Environmentally Sustainable Watersheds Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, a state in the Indian Himalayas, is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts due to its mountainous terrain and dependence on natural resources. The state government recognizes the crucial role of watersheds in maintaining ecological balance and mitigating climate change. A carbon-positive … Read more Discuss the initiatives of the Himachal Pradesh Government for carbon-positive and environmentally sustainable watersheds.

Describe key deliverables of HIMSWAN (Himachal State Wide Area Network).

Key Deliverables of HIMSWAN (Himachal Pradesh State Wide Area Network) Introduction: HIMSWAN, the Himachal Pradesh State Wide Area Network, is a crucial ICT infrastructure project aimed at connecting various government departments, offices, and institutions across the state. Its primary goal is to improve governance, service delivery, and citizen engagement through enhanced information sharing and communication. … Read more Describe key deliverables of HIMSWAN (Himachal State Wide Area Network).

Discuss the salient features of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

Salient Features of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 Introduction: The Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (WLPA), is a landmark legislation in India aimed at protecting and conserving the country’s rich biodiversity. Driven by growing concerns over the depletion of wildlife populations and habitat loss, the Act consolidated and strengthened existing laws related to wildlife … Read more Discuss the salient features of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

Discuss various initiatives of the Himachal Pradesh Government for the conservation and management of aromatic plants.

Himachal Pradesh Government Initiatives for Aromatic Plant Conservation and Management Introduction: Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the Himalayas, boasts a rich biodiversity, including a significant variety of aromatic plants. These plants, encompassing species like lavender, chamomile, rosemary, and various medicinal herbs, hold immense economic and ecological value. Their cultivation contributes to rural livelihoods, generates income through … Read more Discuss various initiatives of the Himachal Pradesh Government for the conservation and management of aromatic plants.

Describe the preamble of the establishment of AGISAC (Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre) in Himachal Pradesh.

Introduction: The Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC) is a significant institution in Himachal Pradesh, India, dedicated to leveraging space technology for socio-economic development. Understanding its establishment requires examining its preamble – the introductory statement outlining its aims and objectives. While a formal, publicly available “preamble” document for AGISAC’s establishment might not exist in the … Read more Describe the preamble of the establishment of AGISAC (Aryabhatta Geo-Informatics Space Application Centre) in Himachal Pradesh.

Explain the importance of the Cartosat-2 satellite for Urban Planning.

The Importance of Cartosat-2 for Urban Planning Introduction: Urban planning relies heavily on accurate and up-to-date spatial data to effectively manage growing cities. This data informs decisions on infrastructure development, resource allocation, disaster management, and environmental protection. Remote sensing technology, particularly through satellites like Cartosat-2, plays a crucial role in providing this data. Cartosat-2, launched … Read more Explain the importance of the Cartosat-2 satellite for Urban Planning.

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