List the various parameters used in preparing Soil Health Card.

Soil Health Card Parameters: A Comprehensive Overview Introduction: Soil Health Cards (SHCs) are crucial tools for promoting sustainable agriculture and improving soil fertility. Introduced in India in 2015, these cards provide farmers with information on the nutrient status of their soil, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding fertilizer application and crop management. The accuracy … Read more List the various parameters used in preparing Soil Health Card.

In what way does tourism contribute to economic development in H.P.?

Tourism’s Contribution to Economic Development in Himachal Pradesh Introduction: Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), a state in northern India, is renowned for its breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage. Tourism has emerged as a significant pillar of its economy, contributing substantially to its Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and providing livelihoods for a large segment … Read more In what way does tourism contribute to economic development in H.P.?

What are the main features of the Paris Agreement on climate change?

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: A Comprehensive Overview Introduction: The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015 at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is a landmark international treaty on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. It represents a global commitment to limit global warming … Read more What are the main features of the Paris Agreement on climate change?

Explain the concept of Biosphere reserve.

The Concept of Biosphere Reserves: Protecting Biodiversity and Human Well-being Introduction: The term “Biosphere Reserve” refers to a protected area recognized under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme. These reserves are not simply pristine wilderness areas; rather, they represent a unique approach to conservation that integrates biodiversity conservation with sustainable use of natural resources … Read more Explain the concept of Biosphere reserve.

Write about the targets of Indian government for the generation of renewable energy from different sources.

India’s Renewable Energy Targets: A Multi-Source Approach Introduction: India, a rapidly developing nation, faces the dual challenge of meeting its burgeoning energy demands and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. Renewable energy sources offer a crucial solution. The Indian government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy generation across various sources, aiming for a … Read more Write about the targets of Indian government for the generation of renewable energy from different sources.

What is Demographic Dividend? Explain it in Indian context.

What is Demographic Dividend? Explain it in the Indian Context. Introduction: The term “demographic dividend” refers to the economic growth potential that can result from a shift in a population’s age structure. It occurs when a country experiences a decline in its fertility rate, leading to a proportionally larger working-age population (typically ages 15-64) relative … Read more What is Demographic Dividend? Explain it in Indian context.

Explain the role of NITI Aayog in recent policy formulation in India.

The Role of NITI Aayog in Recent Policy Formulation in India Introduction: NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India), established in 2015, replaced the Planning Commission of India. While the Planning Commission operated on a centralized, command-and-control model, NITI Aayog adopts a more cooperative federalist approach, aiming to foster collaborative policymaking between the central government … Read more Explain the role of NITI Aayog in recent policy formulation in India.

Briefly explain the salient features of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

Salient Features of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 (FRBM Act) Introduction: The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 (FRBM Act) is a landmark legislation in India aimed at improving the management of public finances. Prior to its enactment, India faced challenges related to fiscal deficits, inflation, and unsustainable debt levels. The … Read more Briefly explain the salient features of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003.

Explain the role of MGNREGS as an instrument for poverty eradication.

The Role of MGNREGS as an Instrument for Poverty Eradication Introduction: The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGS), enacted in 2005, is a flagship program of the Indian government aimed at enhancing livelihood security in rural areas. It guarantees 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every rural household willing … Read more Explain the role of MGNREGS as an instrument for poverty eradication.

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