DMPQ- Explain Ochre Coloured Pottery.

The earliest evidence of pottery manufacture comes from the site of Mehrgarh in Baluchistan, dated to 6500 BC. One of the characteristic features of the Chalcolithic period is a well-developed ceramic industry. They produced fine painted and plain and coarse pottery for a variety of purposes. Besides, the people of the Ahar and Narahan cultures … Read more DMPQ- Explain Ochre Coloured Pottery.

DMPQ- Explain main features of Vernacular Press Act, 1878.

The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was enacted to curtail the freedom of the Indian-languages’ press. Lord Lytton was being bitterly criticized for the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878–80). So, he promulgated the act with an aim to prevent the vernacular press from expressing criticism of British policies under him. The act excluded English-language publications. It … Read more DMPQ- Explain main features of Vernacular Press Act, 1878.

DMPQ- What are the main features of Mesolithic period Art?

Mesolithic period Art: The largest number of paintings belongs to this period. Themes multiply but the paintings are small in size. Hunting scenes predominate Hunters in groups armed with barbed spears pointed sticks, arrows, and bows. Trap and snares used to catch animals can be seen in some paintings. Mesolithic people loved to point animals. … Read more DMPQ- What are the main features of Mesolithic period Art?

DMPQ- What were the causes for the Decline of Lodi Dynasty?

Dissatisfaction amongst Afghan nobles who supported Jalal- ud- Din. These nobles were brutally massacred by Imbrahim Lodi. Failure of administrative systems and blocking of trade routes which resulted in complete degeneration of the empires economy. Danger and threats posed by Rajput kings on Lodi armies. Bad economic conditions and fast draining treasuries due to continuous … Read more DMPQ- What were the causes for the Decline of Lodi Dynasty?

DMPQ- “ Home charges” is one of the main component of drain of wealth. Explain the term Home charge.

Expenditure carried out by company up to 1858 and by British government after 1858 in London on behalf of India. Home charges include –  Dividend paid to shareholders by company.  Interest paid by company on the loans raised in London.  Salary and pensions of officials working in London.  Pension of officials … Read more DMPQ- “ Home charges” is one of the main component of drain of wealth. Explain the term Home charge.

DMPQ-Discuss the contribution of Dada Bhai Naroji in Indian National Movement.

Naoroji was a prominent figure and play a significant role in Indian national movement. He was the first Asian to be member of British Parliament.  His work find mention across all fields i.e. social, political, economic etc . For his contribution he is regarded as the Grand Old man of India. In 1866 he founded … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the contribution of Dada Bhai Naroji in Indian National Movement.

DMPQ- Throw light on the contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Raja Ram tried to create a new Hindu religion philosophy and enfolded in it the existence of one God and other beliefs, which were then not the predominant features in Hinduism. He attacked some Hindu traditions and features among them caste system, child marriages, Sati – burning of the live wife over her dead husband’s pyre, idolatry and other … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

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