DMPQ: State secretariat plays a crucial role in policy making. In this context explain the roles and functions of State secretariat.

The State Secretariat, as the top layer of the state administration, is primarily meant to assist the state government in policy making and in discharging its legislative functions. It also acts as a memory and a clearing house, preparatory to certain types of decisions and as a Subscribe on YouTube general supervisor of executive action . The main functions of the State … Read more DMPQ: State secretariat plays a crucial role in policy making. In this context explain the roles and functions of State secretariat.

DMPQ: Chief secretary is a lynchpin in state administration. Discuss

The Chief secretary of the state enjoys the senior most position held in the civil services of the state and union territories of India. The functions of Chief secretary are as follows: Adviser to the CM: Chief- Secretary acts as an advisor to the CM. Being head of the permanent executive branch he strives for a … Read more DMPQ: Chief secretary is a lynchpin in state administration. Discuss

DMPQ: Explain the  Role and functions of state secretariat

The State Secretariat, as the top layer of the state administration, is primarily meantto assist the state government in policy making and in discharging its legislativefunctions. It also acts as a memory and a clearing house, preparatory to certaintypes of decisions and as a general supervisor of executive action . The mainfunctions of the State Secretariat are broadly as follows: Assisting the ministers … Read more DMPQ: Explain the  Role and functions of state secretariat

DMPQ: Explain the  Role and functions of state secretariat

The State Secretariat, as the top layer of the state administration, is primarily meantto assist the state government in policy making and in discharging Join Our Telegram Channel its legislativefunctions. It also acts as a memory and a clearing house, preparatory to certaintypes of decisions and as a general supervisor of executive action . The mainfunctions of the State Secretariat are broadly as … Read more DMPQ: Explain the  Role and functions of state secretariat

DMPQ: What are the function of chief secretary of Rajasthan?

The Chief secretary of the state enjoys the senior most position held in the civil services of the state and union territories of India. The functions of Join Our Telegram Channel Chief secretary are as follows: Adviser to the CM: Chief- Secretary acts as an advisor to the CM. Being head of the permanent executive branch … Read more DMPQ: What are the function of chief secretary of Rajasthan?

DMPQ: List down the basic function of Panchayati Raj department in Rajasthan

Decentralizing the decision making process is a fundamental Join Our Telegram Channel policy of democratic setup. India achieved this by pasing 73rd and 74th CAA. Rajasthan has always been pioneer in empowering local self government. Panchayati Raj system was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of the country, Pandit JawaharlalNehru, on 2nd October, 1959 in … Read more DMPQ: List down the basic function of Panchayati Raj department in Rajasthan

DMPQ: What initiatives have been taken by Rajasthan government to promote primary education for girls?

Education is the key for women to achieve economic freedom. Although women in the country enjoy right to an education but equal access to education is a problem for the country. The rajasthan government has taken various step towards women primary education in India. The initiatives taken are as follows: Opening up of KasturbaGandhi Balika … Read more DMPQ: What initiatives have been taken by Rajasthan government to promote primary education for girls?

DMPQ: What initiatives have been taken by Rajasthan government to promote primary education for girls?

Education is the key for women to achieve economic freedom. Although women in the country enjoy right to an education but equal access to education is a problem for the country. The rajasthan government has taken various step towards women Subscribe on YouTube primary education in India. The initiatives taken are as follows: Opening up … Read more DMPQ: What initiatives have been taken by Rajasthan government to promote primary education for girls?

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